They're trying to be "unique" and their lack of mental horsepower causes them to fuck it up. In my former job, one family had a kid named Corey (pro-noun-said KOH-RAY!) and two kids named Christian (one Christian, one KREE-SHAWN). And then there's Shithead. (It's pronounced Shi-theed, you fuggin raysis.)
Those darn “youths” at it again. Is Ja’brian Irish or Scottish?
lol Ja'Brian. Why do they always take white names and add a syllable?
They're trying to be "unique" and their lack of mental horsepower causes them to fuck it up. In my former job, one family had a kid named Corey (pro-noun-said KOH-RAY!) and two kids named Christian (one Christian, one KREE-SHAWN). And then there's Shithead. (It's pronounced Shi-theed, you fuggin raysis.)
Don’t know what to say. Really sad. Did they play the euphemism game?
Every article said four youths or teens 😂
"Future NFL players"
Did the carjacker get a recruitment offer or not?
He'd probably make a good running back.
He relaxed, rookie mistake
Stop trying to recruit niggers, problem solved.
Better yet, prosecute said niggers and stop being a pussy about sentencing them appropriately.
Don't know why you're making this about race. This is just what East Cleveland is like.
Don't worry, they haven't voted for Republicans since 1990, so they're gonna turn around any minute.