Aren’t xxy or any other combos a mutation? Doesn’t change the fact that xx and xy exist. At least with the xxy it’s actually a legit mutation and not “I feel like I’m a woman”
That's because intersex people are very easy to identify and are probably the strongest case situation of someone not fitting the male/female dichotomy properly due to deformities. They may also require surgeries.
Transgenderism is a political ideology, using innocent people as a human shield to advance a larger argument about destroying the very concept of sexual relations in society altogether as a form of liberation from Capitalism.
I never understood what was so terrible about going in the men's bathroom. Nobody gives anybody any shit in there unless it's like a locker room or something. Normal public bathrooms are not social clubs for men.
I wouldn't kick that poor person out personally but as a matter of principle you're assigned to one, and I'd prefer you use it. If you're not scaring the women it's not even going to be noticed. Lots of women ambiguously look like dudes, sometimes on purpose.
Aren’t xxy or any other combos a mutation? Doesn’t change the fact that xx and xy exist. At least with the xxy it’s actually a legit mutation and not “I feel like I’m a woman”
Yes, this is the scientific equivalent of calling a man with six fingers a new species.
I foolishly got into an argument with one of these people and used that analogy. They said it wasn’t the same
Then they should be able to show how it’s different…
I should’ve used the Bender “oh you are serious, let me laugh harder” line on them
The Six finger man? I know someone who is looking for him. Bigfoot will have his REvenge!
All those blurry shots and only the tell tale sign of six fingers to find.
And that is a legit evidence backed mutation for lack of a better word. That is what needs to be discussed
That's because intersex people are very easy to identify and are probably the strongest case situation of someone not fitting the male/female dichotomy properly due to deformities. They may also require surgeries.
Transgenderism is a political ideology, using innocent people as a human shield to advance a larger argument about destroying the very concept of sexual relations in society altogether as a form of liberation from Capitalism.
I never understood what was so terrible about going in the men's bathroom. Nobody gives anybody any shit in there unless it's like a locker room or something. Normal public bathrooms are not social clubs for men.
I wouldn't kick that poor person out personally but as a matter of principle you're assigned to one, and I'd prefer you use it. If you're not scaring the women it's not even going to be noticed. Lots of women ambiguously look like dudes, sometimes on purpose.
In a way cutting off your penis is the same as being born with genetic defects...
It sounds like they're advocating for genetic testing to diagnose transgenderism.
Which is fine by me, lol
Si. Genetic deformities do not negate the concept of sexual reproduction.