posted ago by The_Shadow_of_Intent ago by The_Shadow_of_Intent +19 / -6

First of all, great interviews, very interesting, but PLEASE bring up the following:

  • terrorism and ethnic cleansing committed against Palestinians in service of establishing the state of Israel
  • The King David hotel bombing
  • the specific details of Israel's race-segregated system (invoking the word "apartheid" is NOT ENOUGH!)
  • the creation of Hamas by Israel

The vast majority of people are totally unaware of the region's history and believe the state of Israel magically appeared in the Middle East after all the nice men decided make a little homestead for the Holocaust survivors after WWII. They have no idea that partisan Jews had a huge role in the invention of the golem of modern terrorism that plagues them to this day. This is a complete contradiction of Israel's current image as a miniature American military that only kills civilians because terrorists hide behind them.

And none of you are going to see this unfortunately, but please just admit that killing and raping settlers is a bad thing. It's not hard!! Then you can stand on higher moral ground and we won't have to watch 5 straight minutes of "u condemn war crimes first."