And it’s even more special when you can win in front of your friends. Kocab says she loves the camaraderie found in fencing — especially at the Veteran level where everyone is there to make friends and have a great time, win or lose.
If everyone is there in the spirit of friendly competition, then why are there separate mens and womens events? Or separate age groups? I admit I am a bit obtuse at times, and occasionally dense as well, so simple straightforward answers are best.
I have a feeling that these elderly fencers could wipe the floor with untrained or even amateur level opponents, so to claim that they are not real competitors is ridiculous at best.
As it looks like Kocab has been competing in the womens division since around the mid 2010s from what I found on the FIE website, I wonder if a "play nice, or do not play at all" policy has been instituted, or if the other women really do not give a shit. Either way, reach is an advantage in a sport that requires you to touch your opponent to win.
This is like 'anything you can do, I can do better' song in reality lol
The reality being the opposite of the song
no it's not!
Depends who's providing the voices as I've heard men with extremely feminine voices and women so baritone that the walls vibrate!
This is just funny at this point. Best thing that happen out of this was demonstrate the differences between men and women.
If only what you said was an exaggeration :(
This is outrageously unfair, in order to compete with women, men should be required to suffer from a crippling disability or be over 80 yo.
For "equity" n shit.
Ever read the Kurt Vonnegut short story "Harrison Bergeron" ?
From an article linked in the posted article:
If everyone is there in the spirit of friendly competition, then why are there separate mens and womens events? Or separate age groups? I admit I am a bit obtuse at times, and occasionally dense as well, so simple straightforward answers are best.
I have a feeling that these elderly fencers could wipe the floor with untrained or even amateur level opponents, so to claim that they are not real competitors is ridiculous at best.
As it looks like Kocab has been competing in the womens division since around the mid 2010s from what I found on the FIE website, I wonder if a "play nice, or do not play at all" policy has been instituted, or if the other women really do not give a shit. Either way, reach is an advantage in a sport that requires you to touch your opponent to win.
Men are even better at being women than women, what can't the superior sex do?
Off topic, but man, inigo looked really Jewish, once you know what to look for, you just can't unseen