I feel bad for all the people who invested in their lives in getting an education in their field, only to be forced to spew rhetoric they don't want to put out.
Dear journalists, novelists, artists in general, etc.
Learn to coal.
I recall some "retro cyberpunk" game in which there was a band supposed to be the last to actually play their instruments at concerts. Turns out it was fake. Nobody plays music instruments anymore.
I don't feel even the slightest bit of sympathy for any of these people
Exactly. Hate the people that look to AI as a business model, and hate the zombieleftists that are so awful, they near necessitate its use.
I feel bad for all the people who invested in their lives in getting an education in their field, only to be forced to spew rhetoric they don't want to put out.
So nothing changed? Programmed AI or programmed people, all the same in the end (except who’s getting paid.)
Let them fight.
Now that I think about it, an AI created and run website with "characters" for writers would be perfect for propaganda and a money Laundering front.
Dear journalists, novelists, artists in general, etc.
Learn to coal.
I recall some "retro cyberpunk" game in which there was a band supposed to be the last to actually play their instruments at concerts. Turns out it was fake. Nobody plays music instruments anymore.
you deserve it