Only the first game took place in Baldur's Gate, the second was set in and around Athkatla, so if you never actually end up there it won't be anything new.
There is little chance this is related to the Bhaal Spawn, so the only thing they can do to connect it to Baldur's Gate is to make the city part of the game.
I thought it would be related to Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus module that WOTC released. It involves Baldur's Gate the city but no Bhaal Spawn.
It's decent for the 3rd in the series but still a downgrade from Divinity Original Sin 2.
It's dos 3 wearing a skinsuit of baldur's gate
Is the story in anyway connected to BG1,2? That saga ended with Throne of Bhaal and it was a good conclusion to the saga.
So far not yet. But I'm still only 5 hours in. Haven't even made it to Baldurs Gate yet.
Only the first game took place in Baldur's Gate, the second was set in and around Athkatla, so if you never actually end up there it won't be anything new.
There is little chance this is related to the Bhaal Spawn, so the only thing they can do to connect it to Baldur's Gate is to make the city part of the game.
I thought it would be related to Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus module that WOTC released. It involves Baldur's Gate the city but no Bhaal Spawn.