Miles Gonzalo Morales is a fictional character, a superhero appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. He is one of the characters known as Spider-Man, having been created in 2011 by writer Brian Michael Bendis and artist Sara Pichelli, with input by Marvel's then-editor-in-chief Axel Alonso. The character possesses powers similar to those of the original Spider-Man, which were derived from the bite of a spider genetically engineered by Spider-Man's nemesis Norman Osborn in an attempt to duplicate those abilities.
He's half black half puerto rican. Also fictional. Like Barbie.
He also didn't want people calling him black spiderman. He just wanted to be spiderman. Not "black spiderman" he said in his own comic that his race is not the issue. He's just a guy that wants to do what's right. Just like Peter Parker.
this is some major cope. Miles Morales was created (by Bendis) and made into a movie (by Disney) explicitly in order to replace Peter Parker with a non-white character
"Multiverse" isn't really an explanation though. If you want to introduce the concept of a "Multiverse" you could easily have a storyline about a fruit basket Spiderman or a Picasso-cubist Spiderman, our any outlandish concept. But that's not what happened.
Whether you invoke a "Multiverse" or not, the fact remains that the creators of the media decided specifically to craft a story around replacing a White character with a black character. That's not an accident. It's a deliberate and calculated decision.
"black spiderman" Jesus Christ.
Miles Gonzalo Morales is a fictional character, a superhero appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. He is one of the characters known as Spider-Man, having been created in 2011 by writer Brian Michael Bendis and artist Sara Pichelli, with input by Marvel's then-editor-in-chief Axel Alonso. The character possesses powers similar to those of the original Spider-Man, which were derived from the bite of a spider genetically engineered by Spider-Man's nemesis Norman Osborn in an attempt to duplicate those abilities.
He's half black half puerto rican. Also fictional. Like Barbie.
He also didn't want people calling him black spiderman. He just wanted to be spiderman. Not "black spiderman" he said in his own comic that his race is not the issue. He's just a guy that wants to do what's right. Just like Peter Parker.
this is some major cope. Miles Morales was created (by Bendis) and made into a movie (by Disney) explicitly in order to replace Peter Parker with a non-white character
Even so, at least it’s explained by multiverse. Race swapping without “different universe oh well” is much lazier.
"Multiverse" isn't really an explanation though. If you want to introduce the concept of a "Multiverse" you could easily have a storyline about a fruit basket Spiderman or a Picasso-cubist Spiderman, our any outlandish concept. But that's not what happened.
Whether you invoke a "Multiverse" or not, the fact remains that the creators of the media decided specifically to craft a story around replacing a White character with a black character. That's not an accident. It's a deliberate and calculated decision.
Wait until you learn about Sun-Spider, Charlotte Webber.
Yes, that's the character's name.
Uhh ... "Major cope" is in his own comic, in his own words, that he did not want what they did to him?
If you say so.