The article captures the essence of the problem quite well, and as Harold says, it is only going to get much, much worse in short order. Though I think there is significant blame by the private sector with exporting production and jobs overseas. The article mentions Boeing but fails to dive into how the use of cheap Indian labor was a major factor in the failure of the 737 Max. A lot of companies are hiring less competent people to increase profits. There are countless Indian programmers being hired whose qualifications are questionable at best and often replacing the white workers who built the systems in the first place.
The most dangerous thing about indian programmers is not that MANY of them buy fake degrees and qualifications.
It is that they always hire other H1B indians. They create ghettos were white people will never be hired again. There is a reason every tech company CEO is Indian and the highest paid race in our country is Indian.
The Caste System is completely incompatible with Western values. The whole "you are born into your social class" very obviously conflicts with the Equality/Meritocracy we are all hoping is restored someday.
I have some Indian friends. They are nice people but they look down on people below them and will always favor their countrymen and castemates.
Humans are tribalistic and indian culture lends itself to tribal attitudes -- this shouldn't be a shock.
The article captures the essence of the problem quite well, and as Harold says, it is only going to get much, much worse in short order. Though I think there is significant blame by the private sector with exporting production and jobs overseas. The article mentions Boeing but fails to dive into how the use of cheap Indian labor was a major factor in the failure of the 737 Max. A lot of companies are hiring less competent people to increase profits. There are countless Indian programmers being hired whose qualifications are questionable at best and often replacing the white workers who built the systems in the first place.
The most dangerous thing about indian programmers is not that MANY of them buy fake degrees and qualifications.
It is that they always hire other H1B indians. They create ghettos were white people will never be hired again. There is a reason every tech company CEO is Indian and the highest paid race in our country is Indian.
and they're imposing india's values on americans.
What on earth are "india's values"? Hinduism?
The Caste System is completely incompatible with Western values. The whole "you are born into your social class" very obviously conflicts with the Equality/Meritocracy we are all hoping is restored someday.
I have some Indian friends. They are nice people but they look down on people below them and will always favor their countrymen and castemates.
Humans are tribalistic and indian culture lends itself to tribal attitudes -- this shouldn't be a shock.
Classism, nepotism, cheating, anti-toilet, bobs and vagene, do not redeem.
Good tikka masala though.
Is it shocking to you that India has a different culture than we do?