The default should be whoever destroys the family loses custody and has to pay child support, which is women 80% of the time. Still, 50/50 is a massive improvement over the current system that boils down to the best interest of the woman in practice. I just hope the legislature keeps an eye out for feminist attempts to undermine the intent of the new law. We all know that there's no depth they won't sink to to deny the father access and steal as much of his income as possible.
you can legitimately prove some form of abuse was happening
All this option opens up is women winning, because they can just cry a little and its abuse. Helped by the legal definition of abuse being open to basically anything that isn't giving her what she wants. Stop leaving these "common sense" loopholes, because all they do is get widened and themselves abused until the law itself is useless.
Divorce is supposed to be no fault, 50/50 unless abuse in a lot of states. How often does a guy end up with anything except the clothes on his back when he leaves? Probably a lot more than there are abusive guys by a factor.
Surprising, but good. 50/50 should be default unless
The default should be whoever destroys the family loses custody and has to pay child support, which is women 80% of the time. Still, 50/50 is a massive improvement over the current system that boils down to the best interest of the woman in practice. I just hope the legislature keeps an eye out for feminist attempts to undermine the intent of the new law. We all know that there's no depth they won't sink to to deny the father access and steal as much of his income as possible.
Next step will be to claim it's unconstitutional. DeSimptis did.
All this option opens up is women winning, because they can just cry a little and its abuse. Helped by the legal definition of abuse being open to basically anything that isn't giving her what she wants. Stop leaving these "common sense" loopholes, because all they do is get widened and themselves abused until the law itself is useless.
Divorce is supposed to be no fault, 50/50 unless abuse in a lot of states. How often does a guy end up with anything except the clothes on his back when he leaves? Probably a lot more than there are abusive guys by a factor.
The default should be whoever is paying/providing for the kids, which is the dads most of the time. Cut the middleman bullshit.
That seems fucked up because then every kid will have two homes -- no home.