They Really Can’t Stand Anything They Don’t Control
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"Platform responsibility" from journalists?
That's a good joke.
"responsibility" means not going against the narrative as dictated by journos.
Youre not supposed to see the perpetrators race, gender, danger hair, gang tats or victim selection before they've made sure it suits the agenda for mass publication or removal inside 48 hours.
Foreign invaders killing people on American soil? Can't let people know, they might hold the Democrats responsible!
Not even control, they literally want a government janny-nanny to "keep them safe" from the world.
They also complained someone released full movies on Twitter.
Didn't the White House just clamp a bunch of journos from visiting or asking questions come the end of July?
Perhaps they should build their own USA.
#GOREWASH twitter
It’s amazing how much easier life is to navigate when you were raised on, are mentally healthy, and (less relevant here but more relevant in daily life) have a sense of humor. Especially as to the part, as a 10 year old I was enjoying looking at pictures of, like, people decapitated when they fell on the sharp tip of a wrought iron fence, or guys who got run over by steamrollers and had their brains shot through their craniums, with the extended spinal column still attached.
So I have the mental fortitude required to deal with violence imagery, even if (maybe especially if) it appears unexpectedly as happened to these people.
But “modern audiences” as it were seem to have been coddled and protected from birth, and to have been treated to a life where the “needs” of the least stable and most fragile minds were made the standard for all.