Maybe she shouldn't defend pedophiles, I tried to lead reports against someone who admitted grooming 16 year old boys and she said "oh, you're just paranoid".
You really are deranged and exactly like an SJW where "pattern recognition is problematic", perceived or otherwise. Not that I expect you to be able to provide any evidence of your claims.
Or is this about that one time I used "cohencidence" as a meme? Because I can tell you the precise post where I first noticed that if you really want as unlike you I remember things correctly and can back up my words with citations.
See the reply by u/Iztac/ to the top comment in the thread.
Iztac 39 points 1 year ago +39 / -0
Do note that "1 year ago" is closer to 2 years as the specific date is the 31st of July, 2021, this site just isn't great when it comes to clarifying dates after certain thresholds. As some users have noticed.
Only a Cohencidence.
Additionally this is you once again sperging out about certain topics which makes many here consider you to have some kind of connection to said topic because of just how unhinged you get defending a handful of very specific things any time they are brought up. This handful includes: SJWs, Jews, Troons, women obviously, and certain companies like Tencent.
Do you have any evidence of that?
Yes, your comment history, vast as it is.
And those are just from the last week.
He said something pathetic.
He actually is a "noticer"
Maybe she shouldn't defend pedophiles, I tried to lead reports against someone who admitted grooming 16 year old boys and she said "oh, you're just paranoid".
You really are deranged and exactly like an SJW where "pattern recognition is problematic", perceived or otherwise. Not that I expect you to be able to provide any evidence of your claims.
Or is this about that one time I used "cohencidence" as a meme? Because I can tell you the precise post where I first noticed that if you really want as unlike you I remember things correctly and can back up my words with citations.
See the reply by u/Iztac/ to the top comment in the thread.
Do note that "1 year ago" is closer to 2 years as the specific date is the 31st of July, 2021, this site just isn't great when it comes to clarifying dates after certain thresholds. As some users have noticed.
Additionally this is you once again sperging out about certain topics which makes many here consider you to have some kind of connection to said topic because of just how unhinged you get defending a handful of very specific things any time they are brought up. This handful includes: SJWs, Jews, Troons, women obviously, and certain companies like Tencent.