Pennsylvania Teachers, Activists Concocted Bogus LGBTQ Bullying Epidemic for Political Gain, Investigation Finds | National Revi...
Backed by the ACLU, Democratic school-board members avenged their political loss by filing bogus civil-rights complaints, according to an extensive probe.
Holy fuck these people need to get jobs.
This article is full of fucking gems.
I especially love that last quote you pulled, it’s doubly psychotic. In such a short statement it contains the two things I think are most sinister about lefty rhetoric: the insistence that there is no truth so they can ignore evidence, and the absolute weaponization of the word “safe” and variants thereto.
This is their job. Soros makes sure to pay them.
I wonder how many are paid and how many are just true believers. Its certainly not hard to turn vulnerable people into zealous cultists.
LGBTQ students shouldn't feel safe. They aren't safe.
They aren't safe because they're being used as pawns by communist revolutionaries, and there is only one way to deal with communists.
Every time, it turns out they lied, and everyone acts like they're shocked.
It's also time for the right to stop pretending like the left cares about things like honesty or integrity.
They were 'raising awareness.'
A conversation was started.
racism, lgtb bullying, mass shootings, rape.. seems at this point most of this is done by the left lol. manufactured and made up.