Haven't really seen much Canadian data on vaxx rates by race.
Public Health pushed the vaxx even harder on blacks and natives when it first became available and supply was limited.
The leadership of native bands were COVID cultists (closing their lands to outsiders for years, being insanely pro-vaxx and setting up clinics in-house constantly).
In urban settings, many Public Health clinics offered early vaxxes to blacks and natives teenagers when they restricted it to whites 70-80+.
I would imagine Asian uptake rates would be insanely high but with no proof.
There would also be a large Indian diaspora whom I would imagine are similarly very compliant and tend to support Trudeau.
This would violate a variety of laws in most European country.
Thank God for small blessings. So glad there are people who are even more screwed than we are. Or rather, glad that we're not the absolute worst in the world.
It's civilly enforced, so they don't really have a choice.
If a company fires you over vaccines, then you sue them, and there's not a judge who can this blatantly ignore a law (and I'm as black-pilled as you are about 'rule of law').
Every arbitrator who's ruled on employment mandates in Canada (save one I believe) has said they are A-OK.
They are extrajudicial, but still an obvious trend/precedent.
The Canadian court system is also so shit that I don't believe that a single employer mandate has actually been tested in court yet since the pace is so glacial.
Boldly displaying my ignorance, what country is this in?
Actual pointed question: how do the "immunization" rates by race look in [answer to 1]?
Haven't really seen much Canadian data on vaxx rates by race.
Public Health pushed the vaxx even harder on blacks and natives when it first became available and supply was limited.
The leadership of native bands were COVID cultists (closing their lands to outsiders for years, being insanely pro-vaxx and setting up clinics in-house constantly).
In urban settings, many Public Health clinics offered early vaxxes to blacks and natives teenagers when they restricted it to whites 70-80+.
I would imagine Asian uptake rates would be insanely high but with no proof.
There would also be a large Indian diaspora whom I would imagine are similarly very compliant and tend to support Trudeau.
This would violate a variety of laws in most European country.
Thank God for small blessings. So glad there are people who are even more screwed than we are. Or rather, glad that we're not the absolute worst in the world.
Not that they'd be enforced.
It's civilly enforced, so they don't really have a choice.
If a company fires you over vaccines, then you sue them, and there's not a judge who can this blatantly ignore a law (and I'm as black-pilled as you are about 'rule of law').
Every arbitrator who's ruled on employment mandates in Canada (save one I believe) has said they are A-OK.
They are extrajudicial, but still an obvious trend/precedent.
The Canadian court system is also so shit that I don't believe that a single employer mandate has actually been tested in court yet since the pace is so glacial.