- The original for the obligatory "disadvantaged poor person seeking wealth redistribution and rich person files insurance claim, net happiness increases" commentary. - And the follow up for the sheer fucking lulz.
I have said this multiple times and libtards still don't get it.
If someone breaks in, with that act, the person automatically proved they don't care about the rules. They don't care about me as a person or my safety.
What tells you they don't not care just enough to steal my laptop, but still care enough to not rape and murder me??
They believe it is okay to steal from people if you want something. They do not care about anyone but themselves. There is no true empathy in the brain of an NPC as they do not have the ability to see anyone as real.
The agility they demonstrate trying to dance around the fact that you can never be sure of the danger posed to you by a home invader is absolutely breathtaking. They've latched onto material loss and held on for dear life!
It's like they really don't consider for a second the moral juxtapositions of someone who's good idea of making money is not to enable themselves to make an honest living or apply for subsidy, or even do something illegitimate but harmless like say selling things without a license - their first thought is to create a very dangerous situation for others.
This isn't someone with moral faculties you can trust, they're not afraid to go to jail, they count on the idea that you'll either be compliant, not there, or subdued, and is now in direct proximity of your wife and children. You can't count on them not to be violent, and that has nothing to do with socio economic status - they are on an entirely seperate moral strata and you have to be prepared to handle the worst.
tl;dr, they have no moral compass and are dangerously unstable to be around.
Sounds like all progressives.
I felt the need to write in their native dialect for prying eye's sake - which is essay format.
No. You provided context. They just won't shut the fuck up.
"Deeply weird how much these people are obsessed with opportunities to kill people"
What on earth could have possibly fostered that?
Leftists post about killing at random based on loose ideological ties: NPC Kalm.
Rightists post about defending self and home: NPC Panik
Seriously, even in those replies in those threads, you see people practically quoting the Savages song from Pocahontas. They're frothing at the mouth, it's rather scary, really, how quickly they dehumanize and aggress.
These are the people who are saying that the right just wants to kill people.
It's all just bullshit apologetics running defense for the murders and crimes they are already actively committing and are happy to commit.
They want you broke, they want you homeless, they want your wife dead, your children raped, and they think it's funny. You are not human to them, and you never will be. They have an inalienable right to slaughter you and your children, and you have no right to object. They are projecting their violent revenge fantasies onto the right.
It's the same reasons so many of them were calling for mass shootings following Uvalde. It's why so many of them sarcastically claimed that the Waukesha racist terrorist attack was "self-defense", while CNN claimed it was a "car accident".
Stars of their own GTA series. Everyone else just exists in their world.
Get better glasses.
Looool at the comments
Top comment posts "I'm surprised the artist didn't make the burgler black", then "Actchewally, sweaty, that's really racist", followed by this gem:
Like, the lack of self-awareness is incredible, to the point that I wonder if the forum isn't full of rightoids posting memes and pretending to be offended to get under reddits censorship crews.
It does feel like a 4chan operation trying to draw in honest to god snowflakes for lulz.
They only care about themselves. In this scenario, they are always the thief. Remember, they define a black person stealing shit as historic justice.
i've said it before and i'll say it again: i value my cat's used litter over the life of anyone in my house uninvited.