74 Rebels (media.communities.win) posted 2 years ago by AlfredicEnglishRules 2 years ago by AlfredicEnglishRules +75 / -1 69 comments download share 69 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
The meek response to the election fraud tells me that there will be no civil war so long as there's food in the fridge, gas in the tank, and entertainment to distract people.
You will see parallel societies long before civil war.
Same thing with Canada.
Trudeau went crazy 6 weeks ago and had his police beat the shit out of the truckers while everyone watched live on YouTube.
Then he brokered a deal with his fellow Sikh WEF stooge to give him ultimate power until 2025 with no checks and balances left.
So what was the response from the truckers and the rest of the resistance?
The truckers went home and went back to work.
No more blockades or sit-ins.
People wave flags and shout "Freedom" for an hour or two in their respective downtowns every Saturday, then go home and go back to work Monday.
Trudeau seems to have called everyone's bluff as their is no organized Plan B.
All I hear is "just wait until the weather warms up and we all go to Ottawa. It's going to be lit."
*laughs in Brandon*
Civil Wars are almost always conflicts between elites. The elites are all on one side, and we're not it.
And then there's France
That was still a war between elites. They just pressured the peasants long enough that they became a free and willing army.
The first two of those things are very much at risk right now thanks to disastrous left wing policies.
Or intended world changes, for the benefit of the globalists, if you believe the conspiracy theories.
Bright side: these are the same internet warriors that post shit for attention all the time.
I daresay this midwit doesn't have the balls (metaphorical or otherwise) to do anything like this.
Truth. This is a sport to them. The points are the minds and souls of kids and each other.
Will be the shortest civil war ever, if the retards from reddit that "volunteered" in ukraine are anything to go by.
Well, that or small-scale blackbagging NOT being done by the government.
These people can play fantasy in the gulag. Stalin was right