I’ve never seen this “community behave like this… The same turboposters, the same “power commenters” dominate every thread. You’re posting literal Russian state propaganda, and claiming it is “unbiased” and “accurate”.
You’re literally defending war crimes.
What the fuck, u/DomitiusofMassilia?? I understand that you want to allow a “free speech” forum, but you’re losing control of this site…
I appreciate this will be absolutely flooded with downvotes, but I no longer care. Anyone who defends war crimes, invasions of sovereign states, and the killing of innocent civilians, as many of you have, in the last couple of days, is absolutely on the wrong side of history.
So much for Gamergate.
You absolute fucking psychos. You know who you are. You post so much more than 5 times a day, now, and you’ve ruined what value this place had.
Fuck you, Russian trolls.
Ah yes, temporarily banning protests and enforcing Covid rules is exactly on the same level as killing your own citizens, and bombing civilians including children in neighbouring countries...
Fuck off with this idiotic strawman bullshit. Putin is so much worse than any current Western leader it's not even funny, and it is absolutely delusional to think otherwise.
Our governments are all complicit in bombing civilians, including children, in countries all over the world, and we continue to let them get away with it because we're too comfortable to do anything other than bitch.
But, up to this point, at least we've been free to bitch. Very soon, we won't even have that.
We have too much of our own shit to deal with to let the same people who've been pissing on us for decades while telling us it was raining drag us into yet another war in order to paint over their own failings. Every last one of our so-called "democratic leaders" would govern like Putin if they thought they could get away with it, and they have literally all just proved it.
If NATO gets involved in this conflict, it will be World War 3. China will become involved, and our supply chains here in North America will be completely disrupted as a result. As for Australia, isolated as you are, the consequences would be even worse. On top of that, NATO involving itself will exponentially increase the likelihood of nuclear war.
There are absolutely no good reasons for why we should let ourselves get dragged into this, and an endless supply of reasons why we shouldn't.
China will very likely offer support and softening the impact of the sanctions. And may even use the chance of the chaos to invade Taiwan. Iran may also take a chance to do something. Will they? I don't know... But China, a frenemy of Russia will very likely do help them in some way.
As someone living in Australia, you have much bigger things to worry about than the globalists' current media blitz about Ukraine.
Sad to see you chugging the MSM's koolaid by the sixpack about Putin being an unique evil when leaders in every major western country have revealed themselves to be capable of the worst sociopathic tyranny towards their OWN citizens under the guise of COVID emergency powers.
Libya/Syria was decidedly worse than what is happening in Ukraine right now. Or are you about to tell me the destablizing the middle east, arming ISIS who burned people alive, bombing children, restoring slave markets, and bringing millions of foreigners into Europe was a good thing?
I don't give a fuck about some trifle in Eastern Europe that has no impact on my interests, aside from the stupid sanctions that only hurt western people while pushing Russia into the arms of China. May the best slav win.
Edit: Stop caring about the shiny thing the regime dangles in front of you.
Valid. You're right on these points. Not so much everyone else here though, lol...
People need to understand the effect of proximity on power.
The average every-man in Western countries already only has a very small modicum of personal power, their actual influence stops almost entirely at the boundary of their town/city, any impressions of the power to independently influence foreign nations are purely delusions. They can do precisely jack and shit to meaningfully reverse Russia's megalomania. In the realm of international affairs the military and the government hold all the cards, and they dictate to the people what will happen, not vice versa.
But everyone wants to be the architect and no-one wants to just haul the bricks to the wall. So sometimes to sugar coat things the military/government will pretend it's not a dictate and instead start "helping" the populace believe they independently came to the decision the govt already wanted to make by feeding them a constant stream of tailored information. Just like a sizable proportion of the populace believes they "independently" came to the conclusion that 2 years of border shut downs and vaccine mandates are reasonable after hearing constantly from the government that the covid vaccines are the safest, most effective vaccines ever and how covid is killing thousands and thousands (because of semantics like "died with covid" designed to create the maximum panic).
Russia is propagandizing hard, but they're far from the only one. Every western gov. is going just as hard with hysteria and half truths to get the population to "conclude" what they want. I'm not Russian, so I can't do a damn thing to stop their propagandizing (unfortunately, neither can most Russians anymore, since the ones who try too hard tend to get dragged into cars by men with guns or have unfortunate accidents). What I can do is make just a tiny bit of a problem for my own gov and make it very clear that any amount of war propoganda will make me fight them tooth and nail. There are no such things as little white lies when it comes to sending clueless young people off to die in agony and have their humanity shredded by the necessary horrors of war.
The idea that you can save the world if you try hard enough is admirable, but childishly naive. Utopia is not achievable within a generation from where we are. There were dictators when you were born and there will be new dictators when you die. The most you can do is spend what limited resources you have on throttling any wannabes in your neighborhood and make sure the place you live isn't ruled by one for your kids. Don't bloody squander those scraps of power, that the would-be dictators directly above you haven't quite managed to take, on anything but telling them to fuck off and give you the rest back too. Worry about what else to do after that job's done.
And the Hague.
Western leaders have violated every one of their promises of 'democracy' then proceeded to violate their own created Nuremburg Code with jackboots and needles.
They're indefensible.