Indeed. It seems some people have finally realized the inherent contradictions between freedom and democracy.
Just completely backwards, as they always tend to.
It's always appropriate to point out liars and charlatans as liars and charlatans. Virtually every establishment media outlet has shown itself to be such, so they should be treated accordingly.
Just because The Globe and Mail has traditionally leaned slightly right of center, and trended towards more factual reporting rather than blatent editorializing, doesn't make them any less deeply entrenched in the establishment media complex. They just push the same acceptable narrative from a different perspective than places like the Star.
The <alt-right> has weaponized 'freedom' to undermine "democracy". --TheGlobeAndMail
Democracy is "rule by the people" (using a broad definition, and putting aside the quibbles about republics and purity). So this headline transliterates to:
The <people (some of them)> have weaponized 'the state of unrule' to undermine "rule by the people". --TheGlobeAndMail
ASSUMING <alt-right> are considered "people" by the author, of course; note that it is among a rulers rights, to exempt himself from rules... even war-rules, like weapons regs. So a meaningful interpretation becomes:
The <rulers> have weaponized 'a segment of their authority' to undermine "their rulership". --TheGlobeAndMail
Yeah. So? I might ask "are leftists so dense they cannot parse a headline into meaning?", but we all-likely-here know the answer to that: leftism prevents meaning and interpretation, by forcing ONLY appearances. So the headline appears ominous to the left, and a transparent statement of Good to the right: AND IT IS DESIGNED THAT WAY. Be aware of this forked leftist tongue.
Indeed. It seems some people have finally realized the inherent contradictions between freedom and democracy. Just completely backwards, as they always tend to.
Hoppe was right. Schmitt, too, of course.
It's always appropriate to point out liars and charlatans as liars and charlatans. Virtually every establishment media outlet has shown itself to be such, so they should be treated accordingly.
Just because The Globe and Mail has traditionally leaned slightly right of center, and trended towards more factual reporting rather than blatent editorializing, doesn't make them any less deeply entrenched in the establishment media complex. They just push the same acceptable narrative from a different perspective than places like the Star.
Beat me to it.
Every time I seee Global News, all I see is the CCP's Global Times wearing a Canadian mask.
Kind of like any eatery with "Canadian" in its name tends to be owned and operated by pakis.
Go PrOteSt To MaKE ChAnGE
No not like that!!!
“Democracy” is a dog-whistle for communism.
Peoples "Democratic" Republics.
The only possible way to justify such Tyranny is to claim it's in the name of the people, for the "greater good."
More evil has been done in the name of the “greater good” than anything else on Earth.
The communist left has weaponized 'democracy' to undermine freedom.
Democracy is "rule by the people" (using a broad definition, and putting aside the quibbles about republics and purity). So this headline transliterates to:
ASSUMING <alt-right> are considered "people" by the author, of course; note that it is among a rulers rights, to exempt himself from rules... even war-rules, like weapons regs. So a meaningful interpretation becomes:
Yeah. So? I might ask "are leftists so dense they cannot parse a headline into meaning?", but we all-likely-here know the answer to that: leftism prevents meaning and interpretation, by forcing ONLY appearances. So the headline appears ominous to the left, and a transparent statement of Good to the right: AND IT IS DESIGNED THAT WAY. Be aware of this forked leftist tongue.
alt-right, ctrl-left, ctrl-alt-del
FJB, FTrudeau, Honk honk