Yes, well said. While the "omgwtfbbq Ancient Egypt was a negro country!" etc is nonsense, there were blacks in Ancient Egypt and there were black pharaohs and dynasties.
There is basically no "average" Egyptian, but many genetically speaking today, many Egyptians are:
Mostly "old Egyptian" populatio lineage
Large amounts of Arab from Arabian peninsula
Large amounts of Greek/etc/"Mediterranean"
Variable amounts of black African (this influence is generally thought to have increased over the last several thousand years)
Bits of general European/Indo-European
Bits of Turkish, Persian, etc
It's also always funny to me that "Upper Egypt" is southern Egypt and "Lower Egypt" is the north.
It's because the entire country is completely focused on, dependent upon, and developed around the Nile. The Nile flows from south to north, so the upper part of the Nile is the south, and the lower reaches of the Nile are in the north.
That said, almost none of the blacks in America have roots in the region. They're just literally culturally appropriating Egypt, like some others do with Israel which is even more wild.
Or this crazy cult the Five-Percent Nation, where "ALLAH" is an English acronym standing for some total nonsense.
Same as how Upper and Lower Canada came to be in its founding era, based on the Laurentien river, or however it's spelled it's been years since I needed to know any world history.
Right which is precisely coordinated with elevation. There's also nothing magic about maps facing North. Egypt is old enough they could have been making maps before that was standardized.
Yes, well said. While the "omgwtfbbq Ancient Egypt was a negro country!" etc is nonsense, there were blacks in Ancient Egypt and there were black pharaohs and dynasties.
There is basically no "average" Egyptian, but many genetically speaking today, many Egyptians are:
Mostly "old Egyptian" populatio lineage Large amounts of Arab from Arabian peninsula Large amounts of Greek/etc/"Mediterranean" Variable amounts of black African (this influence is generally thought to have increased over the last several thousand years) Bits of general European/Indo-European Bits of Turkish, Persian, etc
It's also always funny to me that "Upper Egypt" is southern Egypt and "Lower Egypt" is the north.
It's because the entire country is completely focused on, dependent upon, and developed around the Nile. The Nile flows from south to north, so the upper part of the Nile is the south, and the lower reaches of the Nile are in the north.
That said, almost none of the blacks in America have roots in the region. They're just literally culturally appropriating Egypt, like some others do with Israel which is even more wild.
Or this crazy cult the Five-Percent Nation, where "ALLAH" is an English acronym standing for some total nonsense.
River source.
Same as how Upper and Lower Canada came to be in its founding era, based on the Laurentien river, or however it's spelled it's been years since I needed to know any world history.
Right which is precisely coordinated with elevation. There's also nothing magic about maps facing North. Egypt is old enough they could have been making maps before that was standardized.
I never realized where Upper and Lower Canada got their names from.
Looking it up, I think you meant the Saint Lawrence river, which connects the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean.
Yeah, that name sounds right, now that you say it. I was... Kinda-sorta close? Okay, not really, geography+history not my best subjects.