Even Reddit normies are starting to figure it out
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No, they’re still retarded. The comments show a complete lack of self awareness let alone critical thinking capacities.
This. I don't think I saw a single chain of comments that actually figured things out. Hell, someone actually commented "they tried to kidnap a governor over this, so we're not likely to ever get out."
Yeah, the top comment is not thinking ontologically. "considered" "status". He doesn't care what the coof is; he cares what the experts say the coof is.
They will never figure out that this is the conclusion of the leftists they love so much. And I bet most of them are for vaccine mandates.
Bundles of sticks the lot of them.
You can call them faggots here.
dumbasses think covid being endemic will kill off those of us who aren't gobbling up globalism.
over 90% of people who get long complications or death have a terminal illness that would end their lives imminently anyways. virtually all of them are 55+ meaning most are well past procreation stages. the only people getting removed from the gene pool are the otherwise healthy dumbasses under 55 who still take the jab, or even worse, give it to their children. depopulation can't come fast enough.
I forgot how repulsive reddit comments are. They are so defferential and apologetic. "Oh please don't downvote me." They're such submissive little worms.
The amount of people that are like "It's ok, we still have high numbers of covid even though 90% is vaccinated, but don't worry, the booster will fix that and everything will return to normal this time!"...
How can you not stop for a second and realize the problem just right here?
One surprising thing is that they're applauding Germany not letting the Afghan immigrants.
And Kyle Rittenhouse
.... The duck? 🦆