I'm Swedish living in Sweden. The "push back" is pathetic. People are clinging onto the Swedish Democrats party thinking it will save them. Swedish Democrats threw out all Swedes from it, the whole youth side of the party was so nationalistic that a purge wouldn't do, they kicked every single one of them (who made the Alternative for Sweden party). They have removed "sending back the immigrants to where they came from" and "stop mass immigration now" from their party program and replaced it with "we are gonna try to slightly reduce relation-immigration". The Nordic Resistance Movement does nothing except march a few times a year. Nothing is happening, there is no real push back at all.
With a massive brainwashed boomer population you gotta start somewhere. SD and AfS are the mainstream resistance. The Nordic Resistance Movement and many other similar groups does more than just "marching once per year", just because you don't hear about them in fake news media doesn't mean they're not doing anything.
More alt media is showing up to provide more accurate news from a national perspective. And every time the left goes REEEE against alt media, it helps alt media grow because it's the left who looks bad.
I'm also a bit surprised as too how you missed that it's MP (the insane environmentalist party) who is almost solely responsible for the insane mass immigration politics. S and the alliance didn't want mass immigration but they made themselves depend on MP to get majority, and in turn MP demanded their crazy environmentalist policies and the mass immigration.
This shit has been going on for over 15 years now. Some even admit that they voted for mass immigration or harassed SD out of fear for being harassed themselves. Sure Sweden has a long way to go, but the tide is about to turn. Nationalism just have to be normalized and accepted and most important MP must be kicked out from any influence.
If SD gets enough votes in 2022, say above 25% they get big enough to stop any block from getting majority together with MP. And that should be a damn god start in taking our country back from the insane clowns. Don't be a pessimist, that attitude will get you nowhere.
AfS is not mainstream at all, SD is taking all their votes.
I know people who are in NRM. I marched with them. What results have they accomplished in their 23 years of existance? What do you believe they will accomplish in the next 23 years?
I'm also a bit surprised as too how you missed that it's MP (the insane environmentalist party) who is almost solely responsible for the insane mass immigration politics. S and the alliance didn't want mass immigration but they made themselves depend on MP to get majority, and in turn MP demanded their crazy environmentalist policies and the mass immigration.
Fucking bullshit. Every party in the riksdag is in on it and there has never been any breaks, just escalation, even when the leadership switched.
SD are cucks, if you don't hate them, you are either too lazy or stupid to look it up, or you are the enemy. Commie state owned mandatory propaganda SVT used to refuse to even say their name until they kicked all the Swedes out of SD. There are no Swedes left in SD! Don't be a fucking old vaccine loving köttberg fitta who thinks the world is gonna change because Jimmie Åkesson said something based in the riksdag.
This negative attitude will get you nowhere, I know what SD have been up to lately, they won't solve any problem but they can stop shit from getting worse which is one step in the right direction. Sweden has a long way to recovery and you gotta start somewhere, with all this destruction that's no simple or risk free solution.
While SD may only be what people think S are, if they just avoid bending over and pull down their pants for MP, that's pretty damn good step in the right direction. Not gonna vote for them tho and I hate the jab because I know what it does to people. AfS it is and I'm gonna continue to convince people to vote AfS, if they get in to the riksdag, that's also a pretty damn good start in the slow recovery process.
The main issue as I see it is all the welfare scams, the lack of control and that sort of stuff which allows parasites to survive without honest work. This is also one reason as to why the baboons starts their criminal career. The solution is simple, no welfare for migrants, without "free" stuff they have no reason to stay. Preferably it should be combined with AfS return policy to locate and send the baboons back to where they came from.
Then there's a shitload of fixes in the system in general. Like taxpaid salaries for migrant workers, fuck that. Self defense must be legalized, legal gun ownership for self defense must be strengthen. Honest work must always be more profitable than living of the tax payers.
The problem with NMR is not the organization itself, it's that the globalist scum are constantly lying about them and their opinions, just like they lied about Hitler and National socialist Germany. Fake news media is dying, it only survives due to tax funded grants issued by the government. We should get rid of those grants too, let the media play by equal rules on the open market. That'll get rid of most of the fake news and leaves some space for new media.
Combine everything again here, no wellfare -> pantifa and other leftists will be forced to do honest work, we take back our factories from China and make sure they require plenty of human labor just to be sure there's enough jobs. This will allow us to lower the taxes by a lot, which makes honest work more profitable, and no time for lefties to attack or harass the opposition.
Now NMR can register a political party and hold speeches in public just like every other party without fake news media lying about them and without lefties blocking or censoring them. This allows regular people to listen to them and make up their mind on their own. Talk to anyone in private in Sweden and you'll rarely find anyone that supports the current development of the country. People are scared obviously.
People just needs to wake up and see the real enemy who's responsible for all the destruction. But currently this enemy is blocking them from waking up in effective ways though propaganda and lies. Erase the blockade and people will wake up.
The Western world is in full-on suicide mode right now… the only question is what will kill the West first: Communism, Islam, internal conflict/civil war or WW3 (or for that matter, some combination of the above).
Yes, China will thrive in the next century. They convinced the bankers here in the U.S. that they'd get rich by sending money, jobs, and technology to China. They pay stupid celebrities like Lebron James to be their mouthpieces in the west. They're building islands and weapons to keep the U.S. Navy out of their territorial waters. And now they've repealed their one child policy, and banned feminism and LGBT propaganda.
China takes shit seriously while the west fucks around and destroys itself.
Chinas culture died in the communist revolution. Marxism kills culture, that is what it does. You think Lebron James representing China is China winning a culture war for their own culture? The only reason they ban feminism and faggotry is so they can pump out more worker drones to control with social credit scores.
Poland is due to be ruled by a centrist-leftist (where "center" is the EU style and "left" ranges form literal ex-communists to the USA-style completely deranged wokes) coalition soon.
"Free" stuff is surprisingly a terrible way to prevent gang violence and criminality.
Place a man in a commie block and force him to work in a factory 10 hours a day to get paid just enough to afford food and the rent and he'll be a better member of society than Ned Flanders.
Place a man in a commie block and give him free stuff and free money, but just enough to survive and no job. And this man will quickly get bored and start a criminal career to at least get some sort of excitement in life.
Any place with strict gun control, has the most shootings. Ironically getting a hunting rifle in Sweden is a matter of a weekend course. Tho these gangs doesn't use legally obtained hunting rifles, they use mostly pistols and AK47's, pistols are a pain in the ass to obtain legally, not very hard illegally. Same with AK47, easy to import from Baltic, and cheap and a box of hand grenades included.
As for this “prominent” rapper, we all knew it was just a matter of time he would get shot. There's two types of rappers, those who have been shot dead, and those who haven't been shot dead yet.
I am convinced (though I don’t have actual stats) that “rapper” is the most dangerous profession in America right now. Especially if you include “aspiring rapper” in that count.
Their caliphate is global too. This is why they changed the name from the ISIS ("in Iraq and Syria", after the earlier just "In Iraq") to the IS in 2014 when they proclaimed the caliphate.
Right now they control or contest, most of all, territories across much of Africa (various countries in western, eastern, central, northern).
Nothing better than hearing Nordic leftists gloat about their superior societies were right up till 2015 now frame the crisis as “well it’s not happening close to me.” They can’t deny the problem anymore.
The person who made this map has no idea of Sweden's history, geographics or the immigration spread.
All good kings of Sweden comes from Västra Götaland, the goths (maybe or maybe not the goths who became the Visigoths and Ostrogoths), and from Svealand, who gave our great nation it's name.
Skåne is our breadbasket, we are not giving that up.
Stockholm is a shithole but it is our capital.
Almost every commune, the smallest kind of region in Sweden, has been forced to take in shitskin immigrants, except some really rich parts of Stockholm who paid to make other communes take their shitskins.
The northern parts have been subjugated since forever. They are only important for mining and lumber basically. The leadership, the military, all industry including food, the population, the trade, the communication cables, etc are all located in the lost area. If the parts pictured here are lost, the northern part is lost even harder.
The few real white men in the north could be the fiercest fighting stock in the world, slightly better than those in the south, in my opinion. They are getting soy'ed hard though so they are disappearing. Combined with having pretty low population numbers, not having any real combat weapons, all their weapons having to be registered, and the gestapo is on them hard on it, and shitskins mortally stabbing them and raping their women while they slowly die, they are demoralized and unequipped for anything. The last part is a reference to Tommie Lindh, probably the bravest Swede in this generation, who died
The whole of the Sami people could be subjugated by a midget pygmy.
Not so small, they have interbred with Norse people to get their height up decently. Not low IQ, between whites and sandniggers. They are more like asians (since they are asians), they can't invent anything well but can decently make use of technology invented by others. They are a step people without the cool step hardyness, martial prowess, horse riding skills or hunting skills. They just herd reindeer basically. They used to hunt the reindeer's but they switched to herding. Their numbers are abysmally small, to the point where they are getting birth defects from inbreeding.
They are bred differently for survival over the winter compared to the white northerners since they don't farm at all. By this I mean that white men had to make alliances and keep them to survive the winter. The Sami don't since they change little from winter to summer and they can always just move somewhere else since they live in shitty little Lapp cots, think Eskimos. They lack the forward thinking and the loyalty that the white man has.
No written language, no use of wheel/mathematics/astronomy/metallurgy etc, never put a rock on top of another rock, never could defend themselves militarily against anyone. I don't think they have contributed anything ever to mankind.
More like the red states/blue cities map of America. The emirates are currently concentrated to certain neighborhoods in most bigger cities, allover the country. Outside the cities however you don't find a single Muslim. They fear the forest (95% of Sweden's surface) and can't swim.
Shit will spread to the nice neighborhoods first, just like it did in Denmark and few other European countries recently. And that's when the elites will suffer from the consequences of their own mass immigration politics, that's when we're gonna se quick final solutions to the problems.
This seems way to optimistic. Any reason to expect part of Sweden to culturally survive?
I'm Swedish living in Sweden. The "push back" is pathetic. People are clinging onto the Swedish Democrats party thinking it will save them. Swedish Democrats threw out all Swedes from it, the whole youth side of the party was so nationalistic that a purge wouldn't do, they kicked every single one of them (who made the Alternative for Sweden party). They have removed "sending back the immigrants to where they came from" and "stop mass immigration now" from their party program and replaced it with "we are gonna try to slightly reduce relation-immigration". The Nordic Resistance Movement does nothing except march a few times a year. Nothing is happening, there is no real push back at all.
Ask your buddy for one example.
With a massive brainwashed boomer population you gotta start somewhere. SD and AfS are the mainstream resistance. The Nordic Resistance Movement and many other similar groups does more than just "marching once per year", just because you don't hear about them in fake news media doesn't mean they're not doing anything.
More alt media is showing up to provide more accurate news from a national perspective. And every time the left goes REEEE against alt media, it helps alt media grow because it's the left who looks bad.
I'm also a bit surprised as too how you missed that it's MP (the insane environmentalist party) who is almost solely responsible for the insane mass immigration politics. S and the alliance didn't want mass immigration but they made themselves depend on MP to get majority, and in turn MP demanded their crazy environmentalist policies and the mass immigration.
This shit has been going on for over 15 years now. Some even admit that they voted for mass immigration or harassed SD out of fear for being harassed themselves. Sure Sweden has a long way to go, but the tide is about to turn. Nationalism just have to be normalized and accepted and most important MP must be kicked out from any influence.
If SD gets enough votes in 2022, say above 25% they get big enough to stop any block from getting majority together with MP. And that should be a damn god start in taking our country back from the insane clowns. Don't be a pessimist, that attitude will get you nowhere.
AfS is not mainstream at all, SD is taking all their votes.
I know people who are in NRM. I marched with them. What results have they accomplished in their 23 years of existance? What do you believe they will accomplish in the next 23 years?
Fucking bullshit. Every party in the riksdag is in on it and there has never been any breaks, just escalation, even when the leadership switched.
SD are cucks, if you don't hate them, you are either too lazy or stupid to look it up, or you are the enemy. Commie state owned mandatory propaganda SVT used to refuse to even say their name until they kicked all the Swedes out of SD. There are no Swedes left in SD! Don't be a fucking old vaccine loving köttberg fitta who thinks the world is gonna change because Jimmie Åkesson said something based in the riksdag.
This negative attitude will get you nowhere, I know what SD have been up to lately, they won't solve any problem but they can stop shit from getting worse which is one step in the right direction. Sweden has a long way to recovery and you gotta start somewhere, with all this destruction that's no simple or risk free solution.
While SD may only be what people think S are, if they just avoid bending over and pull down their pants for MP, that's pretty damn good step in the right direction. Not gonna vote for them tho and I hate the jab because I know what it does to people. AfS it is and I'm gonna continue to convince people to vote AfS, if they get in to the riksdag, that's also a pretty damn good start in the slow recovery process.
The main issue as I see it is all the welfare scams, the lack of control and that sort of stuff which allows parasites to survive without honest work. This is also one reason as to why the baboons starts their criminal career. The solution is simple, no welfare for migrants, without "free" stuff they have no reason to stay. Preferably it should be combined with AfS return policy to locate and send the baboons back to where they came from.
Then there's a shitload of fixes in the system in general. Like taxpaid salaries for migrant workers, fuck that. Self defense must be legalized, legal gun ownership for self defense must be strengthen. Honest work must always be more profitable than living of the tax payers.
The problem with NMR is not the organization itself, it's that the globalist scum are constantly lying about them and their opinions, just like they lied about Hitler and National socialist Germany. Fake news media is dying, it only survives due to tax funded grants issued by the government. We should get rid of those grants too, let the media play by equal rules on the open market. That'll get rid of most of the fake news and leaves some space for new media.
Combine everything again here, no wellfare -> pantifa and other leftists will be forced to do honest work, we take back our factories from China and make sure they require plenty of human labor just to be sure there's enough jobs. This will allow us to lower the taxes by a lot, which makes honest work more profitable, and no time for lefties to attack or harass the opposition.
Now NMR can register a political party and hold speeches in public just like every other party without fake news media lying about them and without lefties blocking or censoring them. This allows regular people to listen to them and make up their mind on their own. Talk to anyone in private in Sweden and you'll rarely find anyone that supports the current development of the country. People are scared obviously.
People just needs to wake up and see the real enemy who's responsible for all the destruction. But currently this enemy is blocking them from waking up in effective ways though propaganda and lies. Erase the blockade and people will wake up.
Good luck to them. I hope for the best but expect little.
Any reason to expect any part of the world except Israel to culturally survive?
The Western world is in full-on suicide mode right now… the only question is what will kill the West first: Communism, Islam, internal conflict/civil war or WW3 (or for that matter, some combination of the above).
Yes, China will thrive in the next century. They convinced the bankers here in the U.S. that they'd get rich by sending money, jobs, and technology to China. They pay stupid celebrities like Lebron James to be their mouthpieces in the west. They're building islands and weapons to keep the U.S. Navy out of their territorial waters. And now they've repealed their one child policy, and banned feminism and LGBT propaganda.
China takes shit seriously while the west fucks around and destroys itself.
Chinas culture died in the communist revolution. Marxism kills culture, that is what it does. You think Lebron James representing China is China winning a culture war for their own culture? The only reason they ban feminism and faggotry is so they can pump out more worker drones to control with social credit scores.
Poland seems to be holding firm.
Didn't their PM just concede that EU law trumps their constitution?
Poland is due to be ruled by a centrist-leftist (where "center" is the EU style and "left" ranges form literal ex-communists to the USA-style completely deranged wokes) coalition soon.
Poland is one bad election away from turning into an EU puppet. Let’s not pretend them and Hungary can keep going like this.
They are slowly and systematically bowing down to the EU.
they destroyed the mandates
I just saw that a “prominent” Swedish rapper was shot and killed in an apparent gang attack in Stockholm.
Doesn’t Sweden have strict gun control? How’s that working for them?
Why does Sweden have rappers in the first place?
Or gangs. Isn't it a socialist paradise?
"Free" stuff is surprisingly a terrible way to prevent gang violence and criminality.
Place a man in a commie block and force him to work in a factory 10 hours a day to get paid just enough to afford food and the rent and he'll be a better member of society than Ned Flanders.
Place a man in a commie block and give him free stuff and free money, but just enough to survive and no job. And this man will quickly get bored and start a criminal career to at least get some sort of excitement in life.
This ain't rocket science 🤡
Any place with strict gun control, has the most shootings. Ironically getting a hunting rifle in Sweden is a matter of a weekend course. Tho these gangs doesn't use legally obtained hunting rifles, they use mostly pistols and AK47's, pistols are a pain in the ass to obtain legally, not very hard illegally. Same with AK47, easy to import from Baltic, and cheap and a box of hand grenades included.
As for this “prominent” rapper, we all knew it was just a matter of time he would get shot. There's two types of rappers, those who have been shot dead, and those who haven't been shot dead yet.
I am convinced (though I don’t have actual stats) that “rapper” is the most dangerous profession in America right now. Especially if you include “aspiring rapper” in that count.
Second most dangerous: social media “star”.
third most dangerous, kamalas condom buyer
Sweden has a high preponderance of grenade attacks. who the fuck has grenades?
Malmo is the grenade attack capitol of the world.
Emirate. The Caliphate is by its definition global and so can't be regional.
then why was the area in syria called a caliphate when its located in one nation?
Their caliphate is global too. This is why they changed the name from the ISIS ("in Iraq and Syria", after the earlier just "In Iraq") to the IS in 2014 when they proclaimed the caliphate.
Right now they control or contest, most of all, territories across much of Africa (various countries in western, eastern, central, northern).
Nothing better than hearing Nordic leftists gloat about their superior societies were right up till 2015 now frame the crisis as “well it’s not happening close to me.” They can’t deny the problem anymore.
This is a blackpill map.
I have long family lines in both parts.
The person who made this map has no idea of Sweden's history, geographics or the immigration spread.
All good kings of Sweden comes from Västra Götaland, the goths (maybe or maybe not the goths who became the Visigoths and Ostrogoths), and from Svealand, who gave our great nation it's name.
Skåne is our breadbasket, we are not giving that up.
Stockholm is a shithole but it is our capital.
Almost every commune, the smallest kind of region in Sweden, has been forced to take in shitskin immigrants, except some really rich parts of Stockholm who paid to make other communes take their shitskins.
The northern parts have been subjugated since forever. They are only important for mining and lumber basically. The leadership, the military, all industry including food, the population, the trade, the communication cables, etc are all located in the lost area. If the parts pictured here are lost, the northern part is lost even harder.
The few real white men in the north could be the fiercest fighting stock in the world, slightly better than those in the south, in my opinion. They are getting soy'ed hard though so they are disappearing. Combined with having pretty low population numbers, not having any real combat weapons, all their weapons having to be registered, and the gestapo is on them hard on it, and shitskins mortally stabbing them and raping their women while they slowly die, they are demoralized and unequipped for anything. The last part is a reference to Tommie Lindh, probably the bravest Swede in this generation, who died
The whole of the Sami people could be subjugated by a midget pygmy.
I've only recently learned about the Sami population. Can you elaborate on this? Are they small? Low IQ? Or just low in numbers?
Not so small, they have interbred with Norse people to get their height up decently. Not low IQ, between whites and sandniggers. They are more like asians (since they are asians), they can't invent anything well but can decently make use of technology invented by others. They are a step people without the cool step hardyness, martial prowess, horse riding skills or hunting skills. They just herd reindeer basically. They used to hunt the reindeer's but they switched to herding. Their numbers are abysmally small, to the point where they are getting birth defects from inbreeding.
They are bred differently for survival over the winter compared to the white northerners since they don't farm at all. By this I mean that white men had to make alliances and keep them to survive the winter. The Sami don't since they change little from winter to summer and they can always just move somewhere else since they live in shitty little Lapp cots, think Eskimos. They lack the forward thinking and the loyalty that the white man has.
No written language, no use of wheel/mathematics/astronomy/metallurgy etc, never put a rock on top of another rock, never could defend themselves militarily against anyone. I don't think they have contributed anything ever to mankind.
Anybody else remember the Sweden Yes! subreddit? I 'member.
More like the red states/blue cities map of America. The emirates are currently concentrated to certain neighborhoods in most bigger cities, allover the country. Outside the cities however you don't find a single Muslim. They fear the forest (95% of Sweden's surface) and can't swim.
Shit will spread to the nice neighborhoods first, just like it did in Denmark and few other European countries recently. And that's when the elites will suffer from the consequences of their own mass immigration politics, that's when we're gonna se quick final solutions to the problems.
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