Because like so many things on the left: They Want to Believe.
Life is a movie, life is a TV show - they're the hero, when things are simpler things are easier. It's indulgent narcissism, and so far, they've been consistently rewarded for it.
Sanjay's been doing a produced short 'health' segment that worms its way onto one of the radio show podcast networks (Cumulus, for Red Eye Radio) I listen to as a promoted bit in commercial breaks that's annoying as hell. He's really full of himself and has been for a long, looong time.
Why do these faggots write like they are writing a novel?
Because they can’t sell facts, so they sell emotions. Want to change Joes mind? Try actually being right once about Covid you hack.
He has to use novels to make it seem like he won. Bringing up the facts would crush him.
Sanjay did bring up facts, they just werent the ones he was claiming they were.
Because like so many things on the left: They Want to Believe.
Life is a movie, life is a TV show - they're the hero, when things are simpler things are easier. It's indulgent narcissism, and so far, they've been consistently rewarded for it.
Sanjay's been doing a produced short 'health' segment that worms its way onto one of the radio show podcast networks (Cumulus, for Red Eye Radio) I listen to as a promoted bit in commercial breaks that's annoying as hell. He's really full of himself and has been for a long, looong time.
Because they live in pseudo-realities that they've constructed. Great essay on the topic from James Lindsay:
"Leftist memes be like: WallOfRunes.jpg"
They're selling emotions to white woman