Because like so many things on the left: They Want to Believe.
Life is a movie, life is a TV show - they're the hero, when things are simpler things are easier. It's indulgent narcissism, and so far, they've been consistently rewarded for it.
Sanjay's been doing a produced short 'health' segment that worms its way onto one of the radio show podcast networks (Cumulus, for Red Eye Radio) I listen to as a promoted bit in commercial breaks that's annoying as hell. He's really full of himself and has been for a long, looong time.
Because like so many things on the left: They Want to Believe.
Life is a movie, life is a TV show - they're the hero, when things are simpler things are easier. It's indulgent narcissism, and so far, they've been consistently rewarded for it.
Sanjay's been doing a produced short 'health' segment that worms its way onto one of the radio show podcast networks (Cumulus, for Red Eye Radio) I listen to as a promoted bit in commercial breaks that's annoying as hell. He's really full of himself and has been for a long, looong time.