63 The only "Great Reset" we need is a global debt reset. (media.kotakuinaction2.win) posted 3 years ago by TakenusernameA 3 years ago by TakenusernameA +63 / -0 13 comments download share 13 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
The collapse is coming. This cannot be sustained.
It was going to collapse the second the country was sold to the jews and the Fed was instituted. They just learned to take their time.
sold? stolen by.
the only reset we need is in the number of bankers and politicians
all zero
Great idea...shame it'll never last more than a generation.
and that's a highball estimate.
Andrew Jackson killed the banks, And Woodrow Wilson resurrected them.
It took 90 years for them to claw back their power.
For our next constitution, the very first edict is as follows:
"Any man whom makes public their support of usury or fiat is to be taken to the public square and executed. No exceptions."
The only reset we need is going back to throwing communists in jail forever. Make HUAC great again
Confiscating all that Rothschild money would pay off all government debt.
You guys like inflation? You’re getting more inflation! Yaaaaaaaay!
The house has determined that the house's spending is acceptable. The house will take action to regulate the house's debt ceiling to an appropriate level.
Nothing to see here.
Can't wait till I have to take my bushels of dollars to the store to buy a loaf of bread
Haha, you think stores will have anything but broken glass