It probably is in "too late" territory. Because you have entire generations of Chinese people who were raised as only children, so they only have a single child themselves. If they even HAVE children in the first place. Many take up the same sort of carefree life having their income all to themselves with no children.
Which has caused wages in China to start climbing big time, which means many companies are looking for new places to set up shop that have lower wages and less opportunity to have the situation blow up in their face. As I have said in several other threads, I have seen a lot of product at my work go from being made in China to being made in Central America (Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, etc), and that is before you get back to some companies actually starting to come back to the United States because the shipping cost are getting so extreme its cheaper to pay higher wages in the US than go overseas (although most of that Heavy Industry is going to the South rather than the Rust Belt, so there will still be issues up there).
Oh by the way: Another thing that they are worried is heading for China? A housingbubble so extreme it will make 2008 look like a jog in the park. And when that happens, good luck getting foreign investors (which are basically the only think propping up China right now).
Oh, they are. It's no conspiracy theory. If they don't pop out a lot of children fast, China could collapse within 20-30 years, if not sooner. This is also another reason why I fully expect, if China is going to make any big moves, they are going to make them within this decade. Because once their demographic bomb explodes, they will be in a worse position to expand, invade Taiwan, and do all the other evil shit that they want to do.
Here's a video about their overwhelmingly aging population.
It's more 'common sense' than 'conspiracy theorist'. Regardless, even if it were not for the low birth rates, it makes sense that China would push back against 996 with rising prosperity. It happened in every country as it got richer.
996" work culture - working 9 a.m. until 9 p.m., six days a week--- Have any East Asian countries successfully fixed their overwork culture? It doesn't even increase productivity but lowers it. Humans can't be that productive for that long. I think it's not only too culturally ingrained, but even they have to have women working to keep up with costs. You would have to get the bulk of women out of the workforce at once otherwise the wages won't change enough for one person to support a household. you would also have to have women married to not have to support themselves. I don't think women should be banned from working, especially older women with kids out of the house. But it definitely has had a negative impact on society, and children, them being in the workplace.
And yet still falling so short of the actual Nazis.
It's very simple. Bar women from most professions and the problem sorts itself out rather quickly.
You'd think China of all countries would have the legal powers at their disposal to use what works.
It wouldn't. Not in modern times. They are expected to work, to pay their fair share.
In the absence of hard evidence to the contrary we stand with the last time it was tried, during which it DID work.
Define modern.
Yes, that much is implicit. I'm simply saying that the state use its power to decide what work is permissible.
Marriage is after all essentially contractual prostitution.
Or at least it used to be.
The world has changed a lot. Women are expected to pull their weight.
Even tradcucks no longer advocate for housewives.
Well, China is just going to have to decide on that.
I'm evaluating the solution on it's efficacy of solving the immediate problem.
And I'm not even taking the most direct path. Present Genghis Khan with the problem of the state needing more children and he'd get right on that.
China can decide what they want. Short of gulaging people who don't accept a parasite, what can they do?
Take every female prisoner they have in jail nationwide and put them in the custody of a PLA soldier.
And then find ways of increasing convictions.
If the CCP can't do that then nobody can.
You get defeated by the USSR which did not bar women from most professions?
The USSR barred the productive from giving a damn until the wheels fell off.
False equivalence.
I've heard some analysts talking about China heading for a demographic collapse. If they're right, it's already too late.
It probably is in "too late" territory. Because you have entire generations of Chinese people who were raised as only children, so they only have a single child themselves. If they even HAVE children in the first place. Many take up the same sort of carefree life having their income all to themselves with no children.
Which has caused wages in China to start climbing big time, which means many companies are looking for new places to set up shop that have lower wages and less opportunity to have the situation blow up in their face. As I have said in several other threads, I have seen a lot of product at my work go from being made in China to being made in Central America (Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, etc), and that is before you get back to some companies actually starting to come back to the United States because the shipping cost are getting so extreme its cheaper to pay higher wages in the US than go overseas (although most of that Heavy Industry is going to the South rather than the Rust Belt, so there will still be issues up there).
Oh by the way: Another thing that they are worried is heading for China? A housing bubble so extreme it will make 2008 look like a jog in the park. And when that happens, good luck getting foreign investors (which are basically the only think propping up China right now).
That was mentioned in the analysis I read. Your video said that 20% of houses are vacant. The analysis I read put it at an even 25%.
Oh, they are. It's no conspiracy theory. If they don't pop out a lot of children fast, China could collapse within 20-30 years, if not sooner. This is also another reason why I fully expect, if China is going to make any big moves, they are going to make them within this decade. Because once their demographic bomb explodes, they will be in a worse position to expand, invade Taiwan, and do all the other evil shit that they want to do.
Here's a video about their overwhelmingly aging population.
It's more 'common sense' than 'conspiracy theorist'. Regardless, even if it were not for the low birth rates, it makes sense that China would push back against 996 with rising prosperity. It happened in every country as it got richer.
996" work culture - working 9 a.m. until 9 p.m., six days a week--- Have any East Asian countries successfully fixed their overwork culture? It doesn't even increase productivity but lowers it. Humans can't be that productive for that long. I think it's not only too culturally ingrained, but even they have to have women working to keep up with costs. You would have to get the bulk of women out of the workforce at once otherwise the wages won't change enough for one person to support a household. you would also have to have women married to not have to support themselves. I don't think women should be banned from working, especially older women with kids out of the house. But it definitely has had a negative impact on society, and children, them being in the workplace.
Chinese sell their babies to med firms, evidently. THAT is the attitude supreme, in a culture that foists Wuhan on the rest of us.
You can't be pro-life if you are anti-life.