Just doing a politics check before I give them my money. Obviously, the splash screen and emphasis on combining cultures seems a little like SJW red flags, but not, on its own, enough to really push it one way or the other. Anyone know anything about the studio or game beyond that?
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gee I wonder
How to know someone's point is utterly worthless.
Let's not forget, race cucks are why the world is so shit, they gave women the vote.
The vaccine wouldn't exist. Covid wouldn't exist. The left itself wouldn't exist but for these fucking retards and their love of "muh white race" to the point of it clouding their judgement.
101 years of getting played by women and counting.
That's very nice, very edgy, but that is the developers' framing they choose to adopt. Not because they "love" xyz race, but because they hate a particular race, which happens to be their own. They are oikophobes, and no one else is the bad guy for describing that is what is happening
Or it's just a virtue signal to get leftists to buy it.
You people frame everything as a racial conspiracy. I remember the whole conspiracy theory about interracial couples in ads.
Did you forget most people in advertising are white women, the most solipsistic and narcissistic people on Earth? Of course they want to see themselves, and they have to include black people for pandering, so you get interracial couples in ads.
What virtue is it signaling then, why is what it is signaling a virtue, and by whom is it considered a virtue
its made by people who want to rewrite history and push woke nonsense. I wouldn't give them 1 cent unless you like funding your demise.
Considering the amount of mind poison and overall idiocy in those kinds of woke games they wouldn't be able to pay me to play it. They could literally say "Here is $100 if you play the game for an hour" and I would refuse.
That's a shame, because Endless Space 2 is very good.
I played through a full game of humankind (10h) and I think its only around 3 out of 10 on the woke scale, and isn't nearly as bad as civilization 5 or 6. For example, the cultures you pick throughout the game are almost all historically relevant, as opposed to the random irrelevant african and native cultures that make up the majority of leaders in civ 5+6. The combining cultures aspect seems to be purely for gameplay reasons, as switching cultures each age lets you change/adapt gameplans instead of being locked in at start. Aside from the splash screen, you can only really notice anything woke if you are actively looking for it.
The game has you make a decision every few turns that slightly adjusts your cultural alignment, and for the most part these seemed to be very well balanced for the first half of the game, with tradition vs progress and nationalism vs globalism appearing to be equally viable, and there are bonuses for remaining neutral as well. After you get to the renaissance time period the progressive alignment starts to become overpowered, and a few of the cultural decisions you have to make have a clear pro scientism slant. Nationalism still seems to be viable lategame. Pollution and global warming are also brought up as lategame mechanics, but I didn't see them actually affect much.
The leader portraits, units, and most units looked like they were designed to be as neutral as possible, and I didn't see any woke race/gender stuff being pushed there.
The narrator will commonly make sarcastic quips about the decisions you make, but it seems to take shots at every possible ideology.
One anti-sjw game mechanic that I found amusing is that atheism is treated as its own religion.
Overall the game seems like a much better option for this genre than civ, but the pro-scientism in the lategame might be slightly annoying.
Thanks for actually playing it first, instead of judging it based on its dumb name and cover art.
I myself, have played through a few of the endless games. All decent imo. Nothing super ground breaking but enjoyable for what they are.
easy review over their social media: on neutral point, aka company wont touch politics at least publicly, and has not endorsed politics of any direction(aka best position company can hold)
neutrality is no longer an option
any institution that isn't explicitly based will eventually become cucked
only applies to companies in share-market
They've already made an extremely aggressive and despicable political* point with the cover art
(*is genocide politics?)
Personal Twitter of one of the developers
I tuned in to one of the official Amplitude streams on Twitch during one of the Open Betas a while back and this "dude" was leading it.
Pronouns in bio. Complaining about streams getting raided by "haters". Virtue signaling about vaccines and masks "of course" and not leaving the house. "Unsure" of their gender, but know they aren't a "cis male".
I think that probably answers OP's fears.
I'm a console pleb, so I haven't actually played any Humankind yet myself. I've watched tons of it on Twitch since launch last week though.
I personally haven't noticed any in-game woke bullshit, though I'm usually only half paying attention while playing something else myself.
The comments here are a little suspicious. Game twitter account https://nitter.pussthecat.org/humankindgame and dev studio account https://nitter.pussthecat.org/Amplitude.
Pending further investigation I will guess it is as woke as Battletech.
That had a "diverse cast" in the main story, pronoun shit, and probably some trannies you could hire in-game (if you read the bio's). Some more wokeness on the dev team too.
/u/Benevolentdictator claims to have found one of the devs. Few posts but little mention of the game or studio. Not a twitter lunatic by the look of it.
If you're concerned you might want to look through what the game (and maybe the studio account) has endorsed with likes or retweets.
What did Battletech do? The space muslim?
Yes the space muslim who wears a head covering but has bear arms, sorry bare arms.
It's woke, I'm pretty sure. You could watch gameplay of it to find out.
Doesnt Sid Myers' civilization and a hundred other games already exist?
The title itself is a dead giveaway, as it tries to be gender neutral.