This story about the child that died in Mississippi is being pushed by the usual suspects. We don’t know what her history was but that doesn’t matter. One child and these morons are acting like this is a medieval style plague. Sad that she died but the reporting on it should be criminal.
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It's going to be 'died from multiple conditions, was already on life support' like the others.
My favorite one was the young kid last year who was apparently the youngest person to be killed by the Chink Plague at the time. "7 year old dies of Corona! It's coming for our children now!"
He was severely epileptic, got a seizure in the shower, hit his head and died. No Covid symptoms, just a positive test.
Similar issue when discussing the death of the namesake of the Atkins diet, Dr Robert Atkins. He slipped on ice and cracked his head on the pavement, fell into a coma, died some days later. Had nothing to do with the diet but attempts are still made to blame it.
Correct : 16-17 minors are not routinely vaccinated in the UK.
They did antibodies testing and 16-17 y.o. minors were positive for antibodies at a rate of 60%.
"Letting it rip" after older adults at high risk had the opportunity to get vaccinated to decrease their risks of complications is the correct course of action.
Similar thing happened in AL. A white boy who they claimed was healthy (and like this girl at least wasn't fat) also supposedly developed covid symptoms and then died within a day. I'm assuming in both cases it was with covid and not of covid because even the very old don't go south that fast. e: It was GA not AL.
TBF in a country of 300 million you're gonna have a few children die even from the normal flu even though the chances are very rare. Blame a weak immune system or constitution, undiagnosed congenital lung condition, bad nutrition, or just bad luck. It's only now the media vultures are hovering over every case.
Reminder that, in Sweden, where elementary schools never closed and there was never a lockdown, never mask mandates, merely gathering size restrictions, a grand total a ZERO KID died from the WuFlu.
100% bullshit
What happened? I haven't heard of this
A girl in Mississippi died due to Covid (although may be a case where they correct the story later) and they are screeching because they have no mask mandate there.
Valid point