Look, I try not to care, too much, about what goes on in other countries. I try not to think about all the Afghans that will die, now; all the 12-year-olds who will be married off; the fall of an entire country; the fact that terrorists will have a breeding ground again; or the total waste of money and life that this all represents...
But it's kind of hard to just "ignore" what is going on. Your country has just capitulated, betrayed its allies and left complete destruction in its wake, for what, FOR WHAT?
And why, because a couple of old men (first Trump, and now dipshit Biden) decided it was politically expedient to do so...
I just... It's disgusting, to be frank. And you know what's significant? I suspect this represents the end of American "soft power", across much of the world. Because the world, including America's allies, will now see what a joke "that country's" military is. What lies America tells itself, and its allies. How "you" can't be relied upon. How utterly, utterly pathetic this whole debacle is. And how "your" president is a useless, lying, untrustworthy, duplicitous, idiotic fuck.
Look, I never particularly LIKED Trump, but I fail to understand how ANYONE can look at the fall of Kabul this week, look at the WORST US foreign policy failure in more than 40 years, and not see this as worse than anything Trump ever directly did, perhaps even including fucking Yemen...
I just... Fuck this. It is a fucking disgrace, and there is no room to make light of it. Biden and Psaki, and everyone else involved, deserves to rot in hell for this. Blood is on their hands, and no one, American, Afghan, Chinese or otherwise, should ever forget or forgive that.
You know, I think it may well be the fall of the US as a superpower, as you say...
To see the media, and people here, defending this as "not our problem", or "lalala I don't care" - that's not the response of a mature, functioning imperial state. That's the response of a state in denial. Media here (Australia) is already reporting on the decline of the American state, and of power, both hard and soft, as a result of this...
I'm just amazed, personally, that it only took less than 20 years after September 11 for America to fall like this. Shit, I've seen the decline myself, but I never would have predicted that.
Then again, any country that elects a clearly not-all-there, incoherent 78-year-old as president is rotten, anyway. So I guess this was predictable as soon as that became clear (yadda yadda electoral fraud, yadda yadda).
I just... I feel for the Afghan people. No matter what some dumb fucks here might say, they didn't deserve this. No one does. And it's all the fault of dumb cunts in Washington...
Perhaps the disconnect is we don't want America to be an imperialist state. This is something in general Americans don't want, and we consistently vote against it. But our politicians consistently do it anyway.
If we're going to be playing sandbox nation-building sims anyways, I'd prefer if we were an unapologetic colonial empire. Maybe then we could rule these shitholes with a harsh but fair fist and engender a grudging respect from the natives. Because clearly winning hearts and minds for the last 20 years did jack shit
Until we have a government that stops making exporting of feminism and degeneracy a national priority we really should keep to ourselves and solve our own problems.
Same. I also think it would be more compassionate than what we do as well, but we don't have the stomach to just be honest about what we're doing.
The problem was recognized in the first president's farewell speech.
Oh look, based President was right.
Islam didn't invent socialism and wokeism either.
It's the West and it's Christians.
Marx wasn't Christian
Jesus christ... Human beings are not "cancer", whatever religion they may ascribe to...
Stop trying to wash your country's hands of blood, for this. It's not the fault of Afghan women and children, or Hazara refugees, or of most of the Afghan population. Are the Afghan people blameless? Of course fucking not. But they do not deserve this, and no pseudo-historical xenophobic bullshit is ever going to justify what is happening, on the ground, on the other side of the world, right now.
If you want to find someone convenient to blame, blame the fucking Soviets. They started this most recent cycle, as raven0ak pointed out... And I know how much "you" Americans like to blame "commies" for the problems that your state-capitalist system is just as guilty of causing, fucking lol...
Afghanistan is simply returning to theocratic Islamic rule. That's what the majority of people who live there want. They didn't want buttsex fetish parades and child drag queen story hours and radical feminist leaders. This "oppression" is their chosen culture. You can't shed tears for the women and girls of Afghanistan and then absolve Islam of the blame for what is happening over there.
At this point I'm leaning toward them being right.
If they want this, then why are they trying to leave the country in droves?
I find something funny about how you tell random ass internet people to stop trying to wash their hands of blood, while Afghans are absolved.
Either both are equally responsible or none.
How is "taxation", voluntary, private or capitalist.
A "state-capitalist system" would be closer to National Socialism.
Just like what FDR intended in 1934.
America did just fine after their Vietnam war debacle in 1975.
Not sure about this one.
The US was mortally wounded with kennedy. We are just there to witness the last twitches before the corpse lies still.