https:// www. washingtonexaminer. com/news/biden-gave-putin-16-critical-infrastructure-entities-must-be-off-limits-cyberattacks
Biden gave Putin list of 16 critical infrastructure 'entities' that must be off-limits to cyberattacks
by Christian Datoc | | June 16, 2021 01:55 PM
Biden, speaking ahead of his press conference following a slate of bilateral meetings with Putin and Russian officials, claimed the topic of cybersecurity was included in a discussion on establishing a "mechanism" for "strategic stability."
"I talked about the proposition that certain critical infrastructure should be off-limits to attack, period, by cyber or any other means," the president stated. "I gave them a list, and I don't have it in front of me, if I am not mistaken, of 16 entities — 16 defined as critical infrastructure, from the energy sector to our water systems."
Biden hammered the need for the two countries "to take action against criminals that conduct ransomware activities on their territory."
"So we agreed to task experts in both our countries to work on specific understandings about what is off-limits and to follow up on specific cases that originate in other countries, and that's either of our countries," he continued.
"We'll find out whether we have a cybersecurity arrangement that begins to bring some order," Biden added later in his remarks. "I looked at him. I said, ‘How would you feel if ransomware took on the pipelines from your oil fields?’ He said, ‘It would matter.’ This is not about just our self-interest."
Implying anything else would be fine
Implying that if you wanted to cripple America you now know exactly what to attack, perhaps in what order too
Can you fucking imagine if Trump had....
I'd wager the excuse would be "It's Biden's turn for 4-D chess" or something.
It was dubious in reference to Trump, but Biden visibly has problems with 2-D toy soldiers.
I'm more concerned that a lot of this critical infrastructure is being maintained by guys in their 50s. Who's going to maintain this stuff in 20 years? Is there enough new blood entering these industries to make up for the people who retire? Or is the plan to just import a bunch of foreign nationals to do it?
The latter; definitely the latter.
I imagine it is going to end up like this:
What the fuck were the democrats thinking? Joe Biden? Really? This is the man you chose as your dictator?
His handlers also fucking lost the plot. Even the American bureaucracy has brain problems.
Conquest's 3rd law. It applies to the DNC as well.
At first I thought, "sensible" but I was assuming it was a list of entities that should be hardened against attack rather than the political equivalent of yelling "not in the face!"
So if someone attacks one of those 16 and frames Russia (which we know governments are capable of doing), what happens? justification?
Welp, we're gonna have WW3 then.
Nobody is going to initiate nuclear armageddon because they had a bunch of power outages for for a couple of weeks.
We aren't going to nuke china over the WuFlu even though we fucking should, because it's ultimately just not worth it.