Wanted to talk about this because two recent occurrences are the perfect examples.
1.The black army officer who got pulled over and pepper sprayed. This smug ass clown did countless things wrong, intentionally and repeatedly and the police handled it almost perfectly despite how he was behaving. In watching the full video you can see the officers gradually de-escalate force from gun to taser to pepper spray, all while he continues to argue and resist.
Last I checked one of the officers was already fired and the smug "victim" had an appointment with the governor to talk police reform.
2.Recent shooting everyone's talking about. Still waiting on details but in this case looks like the female officer accidentally shot the poor innocent resisting arrest good boy.
So basically:
-Constant, vicious propaganda war against police.
-Even when police do everything right they can still get their lives ruined if the criminal is black.
-Brianwash blacks into thinking cops are "hunting them in the streets".
-Now both blacks and cops are on edge from the start.
-Cops having to decide between self defense now or getting publicly crucified later if criminal is black.
-Cops who see this move away from black areas or retire; why would any even slightly intelligent cop ever risk policing around black populations?
-Leftover diversity hire accidentally shoots dindu-nuffin when she meant to taser.
-Cycle continues to get worse and worse.
Just needed to vent about this really. Manufactured and tiresome. What do you guys think?
These jackbooted thugs will follow orders even if it meant shooting unarmed children or elderly.
When voting is rigged in key swing states, how the fuck do you vote them out on a national level? Local politics only gets you so far.
I am a right wing populist who despises these racial marxist groups like BLM, Antifa but I am also not a fan of the blue after they demonstrated how they will follow any tyrannical order without hesistation. The right should not be baited into blindly backing the blue just because marxists attack them.
The right fell for it hook line and sinker when blm started in 14. Before there, both the left and the right was talking about demilitarizing the police, then it became a race issue instead of a bipartisan issue
Most people are livestock. You can't be angry that people act like people. The monopoly on violence will be enforced by the same stock of people under any other system.
You’re mistaken, mostly because you probably haven’t had the luxury of a red or purple sheriff/police force. The jackboots shooting kids and unarmed people are always in the blue cities. The police in blue areas are a product of blue policies.
Dude I lived in a red county in a red state for years and I have seen the same fucking police tyranny that I see in blue states.
Police in general exist to protect the elites and their property not the general public. They should not be falsely seen as heroes who protect and serve.
This is one of the reasons why I call myself a right wing populist and not a conservative.
Too many conservatives still have a hard on for blindly backing the blue.
I don't support defunding the police like the retard marxists do but I don't support the existence of no knock warrants, traffic tickets quotas and red flag gun grabs which the cops do in every state.
Odd, in my experience I have had multiple sheriffs defy governor orders in my state MI. From guns to lockdowns, I do believe that police need a massive overhaul to rid the parasitic practices implemented, but the majority of these can be fixed with an actual sheriff elected and local government afraid of their constituents.
I'm not a fan of the police in general, but sheriffs are okay for the most part. In many (I won't say most because I haven't done the research) states sheriffs only answer to the people and generally cannot be impeached or removed by a government body. So if the government decides to lockdown they can just say fuck that and not enforce it and nothing can be done about it. It's really the most American type of law enforcement.
I'm not for police abolishment, but more of a lessening/removal of the city, state, and federal police and a growth of the sheriffs departments. The police should answer to the people directly. Make some bullshit law? Ok, the police won't enforce it. Get past that, nullify it in the jury box. We still have rules that protect us but they aren't used most of the time.
For example look at Ohio in the last year and you will see how it was just like a blue state.
Demilitarizing the police is the much needed solution to the problems with police.
I agree with you that we need to ensure local government is afraid of constituents and respects constituents.
We had some sheriffs try in WA. In one case the governor said "don't worry: if you can't do your job the State Police will do it for you". In another case the DA told the sheriff they'd lose their qualified immunity "in the event 'someone'" (hint hint) filed a lawsuit against them for failing to enforce the executive order. Both caved.
Hell the Republican who ran against our governor back in November was a cop, and surprise surprise immediately after the governor was re-elected he was "laid off".
Still a lot of knobs other governmental agencies can turn to get a rogue sheriff who has the nerve to take their oath seriously back with the program.
Wasn't Ruby Ridge in red Oregon at that time.