Is there confirmation on this? I tried searching, and the handful of times the captain's gender is mentioned it's just in the context of people saying it is a troll op.
That said, this whole thing is highly suspicious so I wouldn't necessarily be surprised if it was massive captain error that the media is trying to hide, and can't think of a reason they'd want to hide the captain's ID unless it was for intersectionality issues.
Ship was part of a 20-vessel convoy, and all the others got through fine.
This isn't just running aground, the ship is flipped 90 degrees
Apparently the captain (who I still can't find a source naming) went on the record blaming a sandstorm blocking visibility.
Something rotten is going on, I just want to know what.
Now I have to wonder if you're the same poster with a new account because you couldn't remember it, or just another person with a garbled mess of a name chiming in for comedic effect. Both options are giving me a giggle.
Is there confirmation on this? I tried searching, and the handful of times the captain's gender is mentioned it's just in the context of people saying it is a troll op.
That said, this whole thing is highly suspicious so I wouldn't necessarily be surprised if it was massive captain error that the media is trying to hide, and can't think of a reason they'd want to hide the captain's ID unless it was for intersectionality issues.
Ship was part of a 20-vessel convoy, and all the others got through fine.
This isn't just running aground, the ship is flipped 90 degrees
Apparently the captain (who I still can't find a source naming) went on the record blaming a sandstorm blocking visibility.
Something rotten is going on, I just want to know what.
The fact that the captain can not be named is telling.
I genuinely wonder how people with usernames like this manage to log in.
I imagine they have a "remember my login" function on their browser, and if it ever forgets the account, they simply make a new one.
Or they could just browse to a thread they know they've commented on, and copy and paste from there.
the passwords can also be complicated if you use a secure password generator :)
It's not too hard.
Now I have to wonder if you're the same poster with a new account because you couldn't remember it, or just another person with a garbled mess of a name chiming in for comedic effect. Both options are giving me a giggle.