"…we don't hate you. We love you. We would love for there to be an admission of guilt and reconciliation, but we also ask the broader community to stand with us."
But that's the problem. Whoever did this doesn't care what you love or who you forgive.
I think they need to stop reading Luke 6:29 ("If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn to them the other also.") and start reading Matthew 10:34 ("Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.")
The Bible is a fine thing for guidance but if you had a dime for every Christian who held out enduring some form of lethal abuse till the bitter end thinking Jesus would miracle it away you'd literally be a millionaire.
Christians don't believe that Jesus will miracle away the suffering. They know that he won't. They believe that when they die, they will be rewarded for their sufferance and patience.
They do it because it is easy, it allows you to live through inaction and avoid all confrontation. As many church goers never actually engage with the material, this appeals to their sheep like mindset. Something I find especially prevalent in Catholics, at least in the US. They go to mass, vaguely read the book (either once or the same few passages they are biased towards) and then talk a high game, but never when the chips are down.
Enabling someone to continue into sin is just as sinful as the deed they commit, and so many followers of Jesus are guilty of enabling beyond forgiveness.
If the issue at hand were big enough, the punishment for protest would be the natural consequence, no artificial consequences needed. If the issue at hand isn't actually an issue, then why make it one?
There is no reason to cause harm to people who are anti-lockdown, because in their own ideology, those people are headed to a punishment of the ravages of rona anyways. Why would you cause harm to someone destined to be on death's door? That just seems needlessly cruel.
Because they don't believe the lockdown measures work. From day one its been "the mask protects others from you, not you from others" so anyone not wearing it is a walking death machine to them. That nothing will protect you fully except complete solitary confinement.
I can't be certain of the science on it, but the ideology of it from day one has been "all or nothing, everyone non-compliant is the enemy." Which means to believe "the science" in narrative means to punish and force everyone into following out of fear they are spreading.
There is no reason to cause harm to people who are anti-lockdown, because in their own ideology, those people are headed to a punishment of the ravages of rona anyways. Why would you cause harm to someone destined to be on death's door? That just seems needlessly cruel.
Because it's not enough in the eyes of the Karen class that the detractors are putting themselves in harm's way. It's that they dare to question, dare to challenge the edicts of their "betters".
"Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two makes four. If that is granted, all else follows."
"…we don't hate you. We love you. We would love for there to be an admission of guilt and reconciliation, but we also ask the broader community to stand with us."
But that's the problem. Whoever did this doesn't care what you love or who you forgive.
I think they need to stop reading Luke 6:29 ("If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn to them the other also.") and start reading Matthew 10:34 ("Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.")
The Bible is a fine thing for guidance but if you had a dime for every Christian who held out enduring some form of lethal abuse till the bitter end thinking Jesus would miracle it away you'd literally be a millionaire.
Christians don't believe that Jesus will miracle away the suffering. They know that he won't. They believe that when they die, they will be rewarded for their sufferance and patience.
They do it because it is easy, it allows you to live through inaction and avoid all confrontation. As many church goers never actually engage with the material, this appeals to their sheep like mindset. Something I find especially prevalent in Catholics, at least in the US. They go to mass, vaguely read the book (either once or the same few passages they are biased towards) and then talk a high game, but never when the chips are down.
Enabling someone to continue into sin is just as sinful as the deed they commit, and so many followers of Jesus are guilty of enabling beyond forgiveness.
If the issue at hand were big enough, the punishment for protest would be the natural consequence, no artificial consequences needed. If the issue at hand isn't actually an issue, then why make it one?
There is no reason to cause harm to people who are anti-lockdown, because in their own ideology, those people are headed to a punishment of the ravages of rona anyways. Why would you cause harm to someone destined to be on death's door? That just seems needlessly cruel.
Because they don't believe the lockdown measures work. From day one its been "the mask protects others from you, not you from others" so anyone not wearing it is a walking death machine to them. That nothing will protect you fully except complete solitary confinement.
I can't be certain of the science on it, but the ideology of it from day one has been "all or nothing, everyone non-compliant is the enemy." Which means to believe "the science" in narrative means to punish and force everyone into following out of fear they are spreading.
Because it's not enough in the eyes of the Karen class that the detractors are putting themselves in harm's way. It's that they dare to question, dare to challenge the edicts of their "betters".
"Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two makes four. If that is granted, all else follows."
- 1984
fanning the flames of hate