ditto, but this one...
...All I know is that the fact you got more than a couple chapters in before wanting to reach through the page and strangle the main character puts you above me...
Keep in mind, I'm a person who, if I read more than a paragraph or two into a book and it doesn't grab me, normally I'll put it down because otherwise, I almost have to finish it, itll drive me crazy if i don't, and I couldn't finish the damn thing... I got (maybe) four chapters in,a nd couldn't force myself to read anymore...
Reddit has the worst reputation of any site on the internet.
tumblr has entered the chat.
just saying, the site's barely relevant, and people still mock it...
I've been enjoying well made cute games
might try iron snout. it's this one-handed free-for-all where you play a pig fighting for his life against waves of wolves.
The art style heartens back to classic flash games, but it's pretty solid.
stuck mostly to indie stuff and picking up classics when they're cheap. I played Control. that was pretty fun.
Mostly it's been 7dtd and this free twitch-reaction game called iron snout (found it on steam a while ago, was a linux exclusive for a long time, oddly enough, but it has a windows version now, and possibly mac as well?)
as far as I know, the two are interconnected, so the same database applies to both.
for instance, https://scored.co/c/kotakuinaction2 and https://communities.win/c/KotakuInAction2 both point at the same community.
I think they said they wont be issuing anymore .win domains, but that's the only change I can think of off the top of my head. =/
so maybe a modified rule would be better, then? It certainly seems that established powers in other arenas have the ability to harm challengers in other ways... =/
Not a problem.
I usually only post here though.
I usually crosspost when I think something is relevant, and I use c/meta when I have a problem, or I want to ask a question about site-related issues/features.
scored.co? yeah. there was an announcement in c/meta a while ago about it. If you wanna keep up-to-date on what the admin team is up to, that's usually where they post announcements, I think.
Esg money still counts...
I get why they do it, and I certainly prefer that to completely ignoring the story and tone the way u.s. Studios do, bit it can be jarring sometimes, lol.
Nah, I get the idea. I've seen a few eps of kakegurui and the first deathnote movie.
Honestly, japan copies the anime a little too faithfully sometimes, lol. It's not bad, it's just that some things don't translate well from anime to live action.
malicious? yes. to damage the brand? nah.
Just leeching off the popularity for profit.
missed that one (thankfully).
Dragonball evolution though? thaaat one raised my blood pressure a few points...
...anybody else getting dragonball evolution and Deathnote flashbacks?
I'd always be knee deep in the shit with them,
one of the things I've always respected was a supervisor/manager who'd step up and help when things got rough. it's an instant ten points of respect.
Example: we just got a new mnager for our department. A lot of the guys bitch, because he tries to help, but he's inexperienced at the work (he came from food production. this is cabinetry). I keep trying to tell them, "this is the guy you want in your corner, even if he agrivates you. " The fact that he's slowing things down now by trying to learn just means he'll know what we're going through and be able to help more effectively in the future (besides, one of the guys all but actively sabotages productivity anyway, so I don't know what he's bitching about. Seriously, he spent an hour and a half one shift sleeping on a pile of doors >_># Wish I had the spine to say something to him, but because i don't, I have to just fume and try to do something productive around him)
my time in management
ugh, how did you stand it? every manager I've ever seen spend their whole shift, running from department to department, putting out (metaphorical) fires...
Sounds awful, tbh...
makes sense. i know a guy at my current job whose losing his mind, because he's gotta be lead man, and overnight saw operater, and he can't do both at the same time.
honestly, i wish bonuses were given more often for getting things in ahead of deadlines. might encourage more people to work hard for the bonus, though some will still slack off and drag everybody else down, unfortunately.
somebody else on one of these forums mentioned a strategy he employed where he basically told his workers if they got all of their work done ahead of schedule, their time was theirs, and he'd pay them like they had been there all week (ie: if they got everything out on tuesday, they could stay home wednesday to saturday and still get paid as if they were still there). his department was apparently one of the best in the company for years because of this.
I wasn't intentionally invoking it (is that what it's called, by the way? I've heard of it, but yeah.), but it applies.
Fiance also has a theory that corporations intentionally promote psychopaths/sociopaths, assuming they'll make better managers, but that doesn't always work out. Dunno how right he is, but I can certainly see where he's coming from
That's fair. I'm mainly speculating here. It's not like I've ever been a manager (nor do I really want to, to be perfectly honest. Seems like a massive headache for a moderate rise in pay, honestly)
I've worked for three corporations in three separate industries(retail, food service, and manufacturing). At all three, I've seen the same three tightly interwoven problems: lack of communication, lack of coordination, and poor management.
I suspect what happens over time is people are expected to get promoted, or they're great kiss asses, so they do, in spite of making terrible managers. It's a sad reality, but yeah, some people are great workers, but terrible managers, just the way things go.
What then happens is those terrible managers realize they're shit at their new position and hide the fact by keeping garbage employees on as a cover, while pushing the people who are actually good at their jobs extra hard so they still keep their numbers in an 'acceptable' range that keeps the hire ups off their asses.
The problem persists over time as the company expands, and eventually you end up with a company full of workers who are lazy as sin, managers who are incompetent/lazy, and all the people who are worth a shit being driven off or quitting from the extra workload dumped on them by the shit heels they have to deal with.
If Musk has any sense, he'll go back through the old employees who quit long before he came on board and see if any of them are worth bringing back...
honestly, i'm more of a metalhead than anything, but yeah, tony hawk had some great tracks...