yeldarb1983 4 points ago +5 / -1

Indy isn't automatically good, rather it's a potentiality.

independent studios/developers will always have flexibility and a willingness to go against the grain, hell, to try something new that nobody else has done before. A guy in his basement may not have the budget or the manpower to make his dream game perfect, but he doesn't have a supervisor, a manager, a CEO, a marketing team, a board of directors, or a gaggle of investors breathing down his next to make somebody else's dream game out of his, either. If he thinks the woke horsehshit is just that, he can ignore it. If he thinks it's the greatest thing evar, well he can go down that road as well, but it's his choice to make, not some entrenched bureaucracy trying to make sure they can take that vacation in cancun this summer and maybe visit a BRIDGE (look it up) seminar while they're at it.

yeldarb1983 11 points ago +11 / -0

oh, also cuphead, which was not only legitimately fun (if hard as balls), but also delivered one of the most delicious self-own by a game "journalist" I've ever seen in my forty years on this beautiful blue marble.

yeldarb1983 3 points ago +3 / -0

...I get what you're going for, but there's an (I assume) dark undertone to this that my fucked up brain finds hilarious...

yeldarb1983 2 points ago +2 / -0

just thought i'd put it out there, lol.

It's always good to steelman when you can.

yeldarb1983 3 points ago +3 / -0

Devil's Advocate; is it possible he's afraid of a reddit-like scenario where a person nominated ends up being a bad actor who starts taking a chainsaw to topics that "offend" them?

I tend to wander the site as a whole, though I usually land in funny, so I don't know the whole situation as well as people who stay here exclusively, which is why I ask

yeldarb1983 5 points ago +5 / -0

...really hope he hires better people in 2025, though...

yeldarb1983 -2 points ago +2 / -4

I honestly don't know, or even think it's necessarily the case, just thought it was an interesting bit of mental exercise, lol

yeldarb1983 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think it was adapted from an old arcade soccer game they made under their former company name, tekhan.

yeldarb1983 3 points ago +3 / -0

honorable mention

World Cup Soccer by temco. got it on a double cart with super spike vball with our nes (had the infrared four-player adapter all bundled in). I'm pretty sure the same company also released a beat em up game that utilyzed a lot of the same sprites, though I couldn't tell you which came first.

Not really a soccer fan, but it was definitely an entertaining, if hard as balls, game, with a level of comical violence that made it novel. i tried to describe it, but honestly, it's just easier to show you, lmao.

yeldarb1983 4 points ago +4 / -0

I don't hate them, I'm just poking fun at the way any game with any kind of difficulty is automatically labeled as "the dark souls of " insert genre here, as if it's the first game with mainstream appeal that actually challenged players.

Hell, the NES Megaman games still rape my ass, and it took Years for me to beat Megaman X

yeldarb1983 3 points ago +3 / -0

oh, I'm not shitting on Demon/Dark Souls. I liked demon souls just fine (the little bit I got into it anyway). I'm mostly poking fun.

and stirring things up a bit in a way that's more fun than the stuff we normally talk about on dot win... ¬_¬ the world's a dumpster fire, granted, but a little distraction is good now and again, lol

yeldarb1983 22 points ago +23 / -1

I'm not saying souls aren't hard, hell, I'm not even saying they aren't good.

I'm saying the NES was on it's own level of hard as balls.

yeldarb1983 3 points ago +3 / -0

my bad, I only ever played it once or twice on an emu. I knew there were two sticks, and I must have assumed there was a fire button.

Relatively easy on an arcade stick but might be impractical on a touch screen or controller.

controller could be a little tricky, a similar movement was a macro for katamari damacy, but it's doable.

on a touchscreen, yeah, forget it, I wouldn't even want to try...

yeldarb1983 6 points ago +6 / -0

it would be somewhat difficult to play this on a tablet, as it used two joysticks and a fire button.

it'd probably be fine ont he switch, though.

I wonder if this inspired journey of the prairie king, a minigame in stardew valley with similar prespective and controls.

wouldn't shock me, game devs love throwing in nods to older games.

Hell, Doom 3 has an arcade game that pokes fun at the constant upgrades street fighter II and III went through while paying homage to the original doom's graphics.

yeldarb1983 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm not sure of the point of this thread.

oh, that's easy, lol

    1. I don't use vrchat, and I don't even have a decent vr setup (or really even a crappy one, lol), therefore
    1. I didn't know that was a thing
    1. the use of "virtual" here is not to imply "virtual reality," but simply something that exists only inside of a simulated space, ie: calling the sims a virtual dollhouse
    1. I thought it was an interesting idea, and I thought I'd share.

Apologies if I come off as confrontational, btw. I'm honestly just trying to answer your question. Also, I didn't mean to text wall.

yeldarb1983 4 points ago +4 / -0

dunno, but don't give up hope. there's good women out there, the tricky part is weeding out the crazy ones when you're running on horny juice, lmao.

yeldarb1983 6 points ago +6 / -0

I've never been married, but I've talked to a few divorced men who got their kids, here's my advice; get the best divorce lawyer you can. You may have to spend an arm and a leg in the short run, but in the long run, you'll come out ahead compared to if you try to cheap out.

yeldarb1983 9 points ago +10 / -1

Yeah, but I'm more of a cat person, lol.

I like dogs just fine lol, but yeah.

dogs are special

Yeah, like a short bus, lol

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