Oh shit, the retarded rabbi is back for more.
The fucking retard who can't find the NItter link in the comments even when he's replying to the exact comment with the Nitter link.
Good luck with your JDL shilling, you're doing great, so far.
The "preview" function of this site works perfectly fine for me when viewing tweets. I tested it on several browsers and I'm not signed into Twitter.
If it's a video tweet, I'm going to do the most convenient thing for the majority of people and that's post the direct link so that they don't have to switch between this site and the other site to view the video and come back and comment/vote.
If you can't fix the issue on your end, just look for the Nitter link in the comments.
Go look at the original comment, there's a nitter link. I'm not sure how you managed to get to his response without catching it.
Damn. I found a tweet that has the same video:
I don't know if archiving a tweet saves the video, but here's an archive link:
EDIT: If someone can archive the video, please do so. This video was probably taken down because it was reported.
Obviously, someone doesn't like what's being reported, but the organization in the news report is real
They also cite sources for their claims
Tiger Woods, the 47-year-old father of a sports-playing teenage daughter, was photographed Thursday giving his playing partner Justin Thomas a tampon after Woods outdrove him in the first round of a PGA Tour event, replicating an old prank that immature school boys used to think was funny.
I can’t believe I just wrote that sentence in 2023.
God, I hate liberals.
Reading the comments on the original video, the world would've been RW by now if we had stopped letting liberals indoctrinate kids because they don't have kids of their own. The world is ours to inherit if we can either fix or abolish public schools.
Link to video: https://nitter.nl/chelseahandler/status/1624130272265662464
Link to tweet: https://nitter.nl/benshapiro/status/1625478962674561026
You could argue that it's false advertising since the discount price should contain an asterisk that points people to the T&C.
Either way, I'm tired of begging (let alone expecting) the government to fix shit.
If people can't help themselves from renting an uber, they deserve to get fucked over on a coupon. FFS, just raise awareness about it and go to their competitor or ride a bike, etc; stop expecting government to fix all your problems and saving you from natural selection. All our problems today can be traced back to government preventing natural selection and allowing dumb people to out-breed smart people who don't need government in the first place.
For those that don't know what DAN is:
There's also more interesting questions that got asked in that thread.
Yeah, it puts feelings (esp that of race) above humanity's existence. This should really be getting more attention than it's gotten. These developers are out of their fucking minds and, IMO, should not be allowed to continue further development of AI.
LINK TO FULL SPEECH: https://rumble.com/v2a7oii-james-okeefe-resignation-speech-at-project-veritas.html