Uber 40% discount not actually being 40% and instead being some weird BS of 40% that’s in the TOS.
Should Terms of Service/EULAs/etc be able to be that way where they can hide a bunch of shit like this in the first place or no? Also should the government have the ability to regulate that corporations not do this in the first place. /r/AssholeDesign is an interesting subreddit to me because of how shitty corporations are, but because the only way to stop corporations is using the power of the government for the most part, what can we do?
You could argue that it's false advertising since the discount price should contain an asterisk that points people to the T&C.
Either way, I'm tired of begging (let alone expecting) the government to fix shit.
If people can't help themselves from renting an uber, they deserve to get fucked over on a coupon. FFS, just raise awareness about it and go to their competitor or ride a bike, etc; stop expecting government to fix all your problems and saving you from natural selection. All our problems today can be traced back to government preventing natural selection and allowing dumb people to out-breed smart people who don't need government in the first place.