There's your problem.
The west is irrevocably ruined IMO.
It may seem like that, especially if you've been watching this slow-motion car crash for years, but I still have faith that we'll recover from this. Fortunately for us, the more they push their antics out into the open, the more normal people see their shit and reject it.
I don't think I've seen "batshit crazy" just radiate off someone quite as badly as with this dude.
A person with a username which amounts to "ThatOneTimeIDidAThingPeopleKnowAbout", should be taken very seriously.
Nobody cares about your shit, you weird, sad old man. Go dilate.
what exactly conservatives are doing that would make any person of "diverse background" feel they can't participate.
Existing? Let's be honest the average progressive probably has never spoken to a moderate, let alone an actual conservative. Conservatives remain semi-mythological, absurd caricatures in their head. They literally believe that conservative = racist/sexist/homophobic/etc.
The entire show is just tumblr oc
The dude complaining is also obese and on god knows what drug cocktail, it has nothing to do with "health".
There are no women involved in this incident.
There is also
We already saw what happened with soymalia.
But I guess they'd say ... tHaT wAsNt ReAl ComMuniSM
Don't fall for commie milkies friend.