onetruephilosoraptor -3 points ago +1 / -4

I am a single unmarried Asian American male and I certainly won't be winning any primaries with the primary electorate of my state.

It is dumb to dictate that you cannot care about results without running for office yourself.

onetruephilosoraptor -3 points ago +1 / -4

We certainly didn't pwn the libs much after 2016.

How owned were the libs in 2018, 2020, 2022?

The libs outperformed the polls in every single swing state Senate, House and gubernatorial election.

I don't care about being content by having low expectations.

onetruephilosoraptor -5 points ago +1 / -6

Excuse me for expecting him not to lockdown the country, not to approve Operation Warpspeed and not let the BLM riots continue unabated.

As the right we were worse off in 2021 than we were in 2016.

This is what upsets me.

If he wins again, is this what will happen?

I don't care about the symbolic Trump victory.

I care about the actual results.

onetruephilosoraptor 21 points ago +23 / -2

That is why these same dumb boomers compare Biden to Hitler instead of comparing him to Stalin.

Leftist boomers call Trump Orange Hitler.

This is one of the things I hate most about the Boomers.

Their enemies are always called the next Hitler.

onetruephilosoraptor 17 points ago +21 / -4

My position on this issue is simple.

I think the death numbers are likely inflated and that the event is exaggerated in order to use it as the building block of the current globalist world order.

Whenever any right wing politician is being considered, they quickly smear him as the next Hitler.

Whenever any powerful Jew is even slightly criticized, they can evoke the Holocaust as a golden shield to end the conversation.

A lot of globalist elites happen to be Jewish and they sadly do this all the time.

This creates hatred towards innocent Jewish people who have done nothing wrong.

I personally have nothing against the Jewish people as a whole. I know many good and decent Jewish people and I wish nothing but good things for them.

The problem is that the globalist elites are disproportionately Jewish and they use their background and the Holocaust narrative as a shield to push their agenda.

The Holocaust narrative has always been used to weaken right wing nationalism.

I personally don't care at all when it comes to debating details about the actual event itself.

Weakening the elite globalist narrative is all I care about

onetruephilosoraptor 35 points ago +37 / -2

Young Leftists hate the Jews over their treatment of Palestinians.

Young conservatives hate globalists and then they come to realize that a lot of globalists are Jewish and use the Holocaust as a bludgeoning tool against anyone who is opposed to globalism.

Not everyone here hates them for the right reasons.

Baby steps at this point.

Anyone not following their narrative is a good start.

onetruephilosoraptor 0 points ago +3 / -3

He is a false symbol of hope.

He left the country in a worse position in 2021 than we were in during 2016 by allowing lockdowns to occur, not cracking down on BLM riots, pushing Operation WarpSpeed and letting the J6ers rot away with no pardons. He gave pardons to useless rappers and Kushner's daddy.

The J6ers will rot away if Orange Man griefs this 2024 election away.

onetruephilosoraptor 38 points ago +41 / -3

The globalists have used the Holocaust as a bludgeoning tool against all right wing parties and nationalism for decades.

Glad to see the youth are less cucked than the 65+ idiots.

onetruephilosoraptor -7 points ago +1 / -8

You summed it up perfectly why so many people despise Trump.

He just says stupid shit unnecessarily.

It is one of the worst things about him along with his pisspoor personnel selection skills and his inability to accept that he ever made a mistake.

God save us all.

Trump vs Biden 2024 is such a demoralizing shit election.

onetruephilosoraptor -3 points ago +1 / -4

I think Cornell West will be the GOP's best ally in this election.

He will pull some progressive leftist votes away from Biden over the Israel/Palestine conflict.

I think RFK Jr.'s involvement will be a wash for the election.

Plenty of people who hate Trump and are actual conservatives will still vote for RFK over his strong stance against tyranny during COVID.

RFK Jr. certainly hurts both Trump and Biden.

Cornell West on the other hand only appeals to the left.

Trump still has not announced his V.P. so he has still time to make a disastrous mistake there like pick MTG which would just kill him in the suburbs.

It remains to be seen if he can delay the court cases and avoid being labeled as a convicted felon before the election.

Trump is totally fucked if he gets convicted before the election. Many older voters will NEVER vote for a felon regardless of the circumstances of the charges.

onetruephilosoraptor -6 points ago +2 / -8

The Iron dome is an example of wasteful massive domestic spending.

No Trump voter has ever asked for this garbage.

The MIC will love this idea because they can overcharge for this shit Dome and grift off taxpayer money.

Trump really needs to focus on the essentials to win: economy, immigration and crime.

Stop making excuses for this dumbass idea.

onetruephilosoraptor -7 points ago +1 / -8

Trump can absolutely still lose the election if he runs a shitty campaign.

I still prefer the orange man winning over Biden.

Suburban independent voters will ultimately decide what happens.

If enough suburban indie voters stay home or vote for third parties in large enough numbers, then Trump can win in the electoral college.

Trump's best path to victory is third parties and voter apathy hurts Biden's suburban/urban coalition and Trump ekes out a narrow win in the electoral college by securing atleast 90 percent of GOP registered voters and by getting atleast 45 percent of independent voters.

The hardest fucking part is getting that independent voter number.

A lot of independent voters vehemently despise Trump. We need these people to stay home or vote third party, they will never vote for Trump regardless of how bad things get under Biden.

onetruephilosoraptor 5 points ago +7 / -2

I would love to go back to 1995.

I feel like I experienced the peak of America during the 90s.

We had good music, way less woke bullshit in education compared to now.

No LGBT garbage

Corporations still used attractive people for advertising.

We had an excellent era of gaming

We had no social media polarizing everything and making everyone always at each other's throats

onetruephilosoraptor -7 points ago +3 / -10

My point is why he is even talking about something like this now?

This won't gain him any votes. He might even lose more than a few votes just based on the stupid meme way he described how the Iron Dome works.

As much as I personally loathe Trump for how he fucked us with Operation Warpspeed, not crackdowning on the BLM riots and listening to Fauci on the COVID lockdowns, Trump is who the retarded GOP primary electorate in Iowa selected.

I think Trump is also a retard but alas he is still better than Biden.

If Trump wants to win, he needs to stop talking about nonsense like the Iron Dome and hammer against Biden on the economy, immigration and crime.

onetruephilosoraptor -9 points ago +2 / -11

Guess Trump wants to waste tons of money to make the Military Industrial Complex richer.

If only this guy could shut up about stupid shit like this and focus his campaign on the really important things: getting the economy going again, stopping illegal immigration and lowering crime.

onetruephilosoraptor -7 points ago +6 / -13

This is why I have zero enthusiasm for the general election.

Us nominating Trump again won't give us anything of value.

Of course the Trump clowns on this board downvoted you for speaking the truth.

onetruephilosoraptor 2 points ago +2 / -0

Regular Americans cannot do anything about the spies or the MIC.

The Democrat half of America thinks they are good things and the other Republican half picks Trump as our wrecking ball but he is too ineffective to stop what needs to be stopped.

onetruephilosoraptor -2 points ago +3 / -5

Why do you care about the GOP primaries when you live in fucking Britain?

Worry about your own country!

Labour will win a landslide in your national elections and Britain will be more worse off than even under the Rishi Sunak Tory cucks.

onetruephilosoraptor -1 points ago +3 / -4

I have never been a part of or even a unpaid volunteer for the DeSantis campaign.

DeSantis would aim to govern America like Florida.

This is what he offered everyone.

There is no specific thing he had to offer to gamers.

Do you like what is happening in Florida?

Good governance, no COVID mandates, no woke bullshit and protects your constitutional rights.

onetruephilosoraptor -1 points ago +3 / -4

I have never received any money for anything I posted anywhere.

I say what I think and feel.

I think DeSantis is a better candidate than Trump so I supported him. I think it is good he dropped out before the Florida primary. Losing your own state looks really bad if you want to run again in the future.

Iowa chose Trump and we will have to live with the consequences.

If Trump loses the general election, I will be pointing the finger at the people who nominated him.

If anyone still foolishly thinks I am a paid shill, go fuck yourself.

onetruephilosoraptor 7 points ago +7 / -0

Ron DeSantis made the right choice.

The GOP primary electorate clearly wants to run Trump again based on the Iowa caucus.

I am proud to have supported Ron DeSantis in this cycle.

Trump has now won the 2024 GOP primary, now he needs to actually win the general election.

onetruephilosoraptor 4 points ago +7 / -3

I don't care about the primaries.

I care about Trump's V.P. pick.

Trump wants his V.P. pick to be scandal free.

It was previously reported that Trump was turned off from picking Kristi Noem for V.P. over her affair with Corey Lewandowski

Let's hope the exact same thing happens with Nikki.

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