I keep trying to submit this as an image post instead of as a link to an image hosted on another site, but I keep getting this error: https://imgur.com/a/eOPTVnR
Say whatever negative stuff you want about the website starting with R, but at least it never gave me errors pretending that an image isn't an image.
At least when white supremacists come up with numbers, they keep those numbers nice and short and memorable, like the 4-digit number whose prime factorization is 2•2•2•2•3•31. I can't say what the number actually is, because it's the N-word of numbers.
I posted something on Twitter that someone construed as cheering for the death of a black person. (I was trying to say that I preferred the peaceful protests for Trayvon Martin over the violence in Ferguson.) People boycotted my puzzle-writing ventures because that makes me an insensitive racist. I sure hope none of my colleagues in the puzzle community are among the people cheering for Trump's rumored heart attack, because that would be H Y P O C R I T I C A L
WTF does 10/90 mean? You say it refers to a slogan about killing 90% of men, but I can't find evidence of this. I can find information on the police radio code 10-90, mullets, and a television production model (order 10 episodes, and if it's successful, order 90 more).
Even as a bisexual, the absolute worst way you can pander to me is to appeal to the Stonewall riots. I don't care how persecuted "we" were at the time, I hate rioting and have no sympathy for people who think engaging in it makes them look anything other than criminally insane. And journalism predates Stonewall (or literally any person outside of ancient Rome giving a flip about gay people) by quite some time. LGBT is perfectly fine without the J.
Edit: You know what's even worse about this attempt to inject a J into the LGBT acronym because "journalists reported the Stonewall riots"? I have a hunch that the mentality of those journalists was less, "Oh boy, I get to make gay history! People sure will remember me when gay marriage becomes legal!" and more, "Oh no, these mentally ill sexual deviants are destroying stuff! I'd better protect all the perfectly normal straight people by reporting this!" Nobody liked gay people back then. I repeat: nobody. This was back when short films warned us that all homosexuals existed for the express purpose of molesting boys. People watch those films today and usually cringe at the blatant homophobia, but back then, this was the norm for all of society. So no, merely reporting that the Stonewall riots happened does not magically make journalists LGBT allies.
Discounted games for JLGBT+? I don't know what the J is, but as a bisexual, I like the idea of getting cheaper games. In fact, I'm going to groom all my straight friends into being bisexual like me so they can take advantage of this offer, too. Wouldn't want any pesky inequality, after all.
I'm more offended that one of the related articles at the bottom is a non-ironic take on "digital blackface". You know, the idea that if a white person posts an animated GIF of a black person, that's racist?