lord8chinchinchan -13 points ago +2 / -15

No one CAN stop them. They can easily just drone-strike anyone that tries to fight them.

lord8chinchinchan -10 points ago +3 / -13

Conservatives do not have the weaponry and firepower to stand up to the left. So it wouldn't matter if they suddenly grew the balls. Because their guns are no match for the left's military weapons.

You actually try to fight the left, they will unleash an extreme firestorm at you. Expect to get drone-striked if you actually dare grow the nerve to take them on.

You'll need nuclear weapons to take them on.

lord8chinchinchan -16 points ago +3 / -19

Yeah, you wanna know WHY the right does nothing?

Because the left is invincible. The right knows that the left is unbeatable. That's why they don't do shit. BECAUSE THEY CAN'T DO SHIT WITHOUT GETTING OBLITERATED AND LOSING ANYWAYS LMAO

The left is armed to the teeth. They have nukes and drones. No amount of guns can stand up to that.

If the right actually fought back, the left would just immediately rain down fire and fury and obliterate the right. The right would all get turned into goo by the left's drone strikes.

The right would need nukes to compete. They don't. So they're fucked.

The right's peashooter guns can't stand up to the left's nuclear weapons.