By putting a banner everywhere even when it's mostly or wholly not warranted, that just renders the banner meaningless.
In California, if the boss drastically cuts your hours, you can still be eligible for unemployment.
Ug you know they did that on purpose, they didn't fix it until after it had spread everywhere and was old news.
People are trying to circumvent twitter rules by making videos with the info more subtly hidden in the video, it's quite probable twitter is trying algorithms to block those types of videos but machines are still too stupid to do it accurately.
My advice, keep cost of housing as low as possible, its better to live in a cubicle for a few years and save money for a car and emergencies. Any xtra spent on housing is wasted money right now. If someones mom will rent u a room at low cost, that would b a great opportunity, just follow every house rule and do a few xtra chores to help so she won't regret it. And save money. If that doesnt work out, you can always move out again later. Very sorry this happened to u but you may look back on this and realize escaping was a best movefor you.