Kia2 became a thing because people got tired of the mods stopping discussion beyond "games journos" when it was obvious that it was all journalism (and then even beyond that).
People have been calling out the left as a whole for a long time. The "muh jews" conpro fags are new, and refuse to consider anything else because they have a fetish about being dominated by them.
Cool. Do you want a list of ever goat rapist attack against Israel?
Or do you support their actions?
Just curious here.
If they took you retards out you wouldn't be missed either.
Anyway, why do you retards feel called out by this topic? Is it because it would make people notice you and what you're doing?
Maybe they should have glassed the terrorists the first time tbh.
I was on Kia1 a long time ago. I've never seen you before here either, but that doesn't mean much.
Funny how you guys keep proving me right. It's like this topic attracted all the retards screeching about muh jews. Strange how you all feel called out about the forum sliding. I wonder why that is.
You know, it is weird how this forum did suddenly get a ton of "muh jews" posters at the same time.
Thanks for pointing it out.
Let's take this very topic as an example.
This is op (and his retard friends) having the jews live rent free in their heads. Because a fellow jew hater is a degenerate, and they're seething because they get associated with him. So they blame the jews. You can't reason people out of a position that's not driven by reason, or logic. They're going to live in their cult forever, and forum slide to ruin genuine right wing forums/etc because that's all the left does. And stormfags are leftists, just not anti white. It's a consistent pattern, but if you notice they cry out when they strike you.
Almost like what they claim the jews do.
It's quite interesting to see how they project.
Yeah, because I call you faggots our on your bullshit. You guys get mad because of it, and I don't really care. If you all stayed on conpro I would happily never mention jews again.
You're all a bunch of worthless forum sliding retards who have a room temp iq. Go seethe more.
Pure projection on your part.
Or... They're actually just retarded tranny loving faggots.
We all know the jews live rent free in your heads. But at some point, reality is going to bitch slap you hard enough to realize not everything is because of them.
Really is wild how we all knew this originally, and they tried to gaslight us for years about it.
The forum sliding stormfag brigade. They seethe constantly
Basically. I love the idea of the setting, but the execution was not ideal.
I made a post semi recently, but basically it had a lot of potential, and failed to live up to it due to mechanical failings, cringe girl power shit/lefty narratives, etc etc and ended up being more mid tier at best.
Hispanics are more socially conservative, and native Americans really don't fit into a left or right narrative neatly due to a lot of different issues (some real, some imaginary).
A bunch of leftists agreeing on leftist causes.
Shocker. Who could possibly have seen that coming.
It's sad, because it could have been cool. Just ended up being mid tier at best.
Damn. Did they move your stair muffin too? It's a hard life
Turns out trump is still trump. He never learned.
It's almost like you don't have reading comprehension, along with the rest of your con pro forum sliding faggot friends.
Yes, jews are absolutely superior to you retards. But then, again, so are most people. Including the 85 iq blacks. It's a low bar.
Oh, I know. I have no faith in Trump to actually get shit done and destroy the left.
It only covers all the Ukraine shit too. Nothing sketchy happened there at all involving the Biden crime family. U
Breaking news, leftists don't have standards or principles, and will do anything to gain and keep power.
They also don't care about things like "hypocrisy".
This is why we need to get power and use it to actually destroy the left for a few decades.
All that aside, j6 people (except epps and the other feds) should all get pardoned day 1.
I hadn't heard of this game before I heard about this shit, and now I actively hope it fails.
The post mentions Syria which is under attack by jihadis. Nice try at a deflection.
"head to Iraq where shelter will be provided - Iranian official"
Hm. Weird. I see Iraq and Iran mentioned there. And in the post I replied to...
"Christians aren't safe in Iran or Iraq"
Weird...almost like other countries were mentioned or something. I know you lot are retarded, but this is a new low.
They did.
Cool, thanks for admitting it.
One person isn't forum sliding. It's a collective effort pushed by a group of posters.