Pretend you have one hour to convince a random normie that the mainstream media is propaganda rather than a collection of well-meaning, objective journalists who sometimes get it wrong but overall try to deliver fair and accurate reporting.

If you fail, you die.

What's your approach?

It's a stupid hypothetical for several reasons but I'm very interested in this topic and I'm curious to hear your thoughts, so I'll ask for a pass on the overly dramatic scenario.

I'm guessing the most common response will be, "It won't work no matter what you do", and fwiw I think that's correct. But for the small group who can be reasoned with, what do you think is the optimal approach?


I spent the first 35+ years of my life hearing about how great this movie is, and I finally get around to watching it and now I know why.

It isn't because it's a good movie. It's because it has a tranny in it. Or maybe they're just gay, or a gay cross dresser? idk because I half tuned it out by then and started playing video games while I watched out of the corner of my eye.

I woke up and checked here like most days and all the post titles are neon blue? It's ugly as hell. I also have to tap "yes" after tapping "hide"? Previously it was one-tap to hide.

Does anyone know of a way to change it back?

I messed around in settings but no luck.


We spoke about typical family shit for 30 minutes, and then he asked me if I'm following the Trump indictments and what I think about it.

I forget my exact phrasing, but I basically told him I think it's a travesty that makes a mockery of our justice system.

He was taken aback and said he thinks it's a great thing and has been a long time coming. He truly believes that Trump tried to take over the government by ignoring the 2020 election results.

I asked what Trump did specifically. He said, "Trump filed a bunch of court cases and lost every single one."

I said that's sort of true but most cases weren't even heard so the evidence couldn't even be presented, but regardless there's nothing illegal about challenging election results through the courts. I then pointed out that Trump left office right on schedule. I also pointed out all the election results that Democrats have claimed (and still are claiming) were fraudulent.

So again I asked, what specifically did Trump do that constitutes trying to take over the government? And why is it a crime for Trump to question election results but not Hillary or that fatass from Georgia?

Crickets on that, so he shifted gears to the classified document case.

I told him that case is a complete joke. Trump didn't do anything that every past president hasn't also done with their documents. I pointed out that Biden had thousands of classified documents in his fucking garage, and he didn't even have the power to declassify, so why aren't your calling for Biden to be prosecuted??

He said that's different. I asked how. He couldn't even muster a pathetic reason and told me he doesn't think it's productive to continued the conversation because we aren't going to agree.

I said you're the one who brought it up and I'm fucking sick of people claiming all these wild things about Trump without being able to back it up and then saying they don't want to talk about it.

I ranted for a good long while lol, stopping every so often to ask him for specifics on this or that (all related to his original claims) and each time he just remained silent, so then I'd start ranting again. I reminded him that Hillary Clinton was caught red-handed using a private email server and she sent and receive classified documents, and that she destroyed evidence and laughed about it.

I said, "You're telling me if Trump were caught using a private server and classified material was involved, you wouldn't want him prosecuted??"

He said "I'm not sure." I said give me a fucking break, you know damn well you'd cheer on his prosecution if that happened. The media would claim he endangered every American and you'd be there nodding along.

At some point, he referenced Russia helping Trump in the 2016 election via Facebook. I asked him to explain what they did. He couldn't. I said why are you going around making claims about something you can't even describe?? Crickets.

I asked if he knew the Steele dossier originated from the Clinton campaign. Crickets.

It went on like this for another 30 minutes or so. He couldn't provide specifics about anything. I kept pressing him. He kept saying this isn't productive. I said yeah no shit because all you can do is regurgitate claims you've heard from biased sources.

I could have handled it better in some ways but I don't regret what I said. I'm so fucking tired of otherwise smart people being completely clueless about important issues that THEY bring up and claim to be knowledgeable about.

That's about it. Not all that interesting but it's slow around here so I thought I'd share.

Anyone else get into it with family members about politics lately?


Fraiser and that Chucky show.

Roughly five minutes into both we find out the sons are gay. And in Chucky the Dad is openly homophobic lol

I knew it was unlikely that I'd get into either show, but I thought I'd last longer than 5 minutes.

Not a very interesting post I know but whatever. Fraiser is one of my favorite sit-coms and it's too bad they couldn't do a decent follow up. (though they probably never should have tried)


Had a nice fwb situation for a few years but that's over now, so against my better judgement I hopped back into the online dating scene; and holy shit there are so many women who straight up say they expect a man to go to therapy.

It's not like I haven't seen this before, but nothing to this degree. I see it all the damn time now.

Therapy might have some worth in cases for people with actual mental issues, but the idea that most people should not only see a therapist but regularly see a therapist is fucking absurd.

Not sure if anyone else has seen the same. It's pretty clear that continual therapy is fully entrenched as a key component of the religion of woke.


Person A: I support high levels of immigration.

Person B: Weren't you complaining about wages being too low? High levels of immigration directly impact wage growth in a negative way.

Person A: Yeah, but we don't have enough people to care for and replace baby boomers, so we need those immigrants.

Besides telling boomers to get rekt, what's your initial response?

Obviously, it's hypocritical to dissuade citizens from having children, and then turning around and saying we don't have enough people so we need more immigrants.

But I feel like I'm missing something here and can't quite put my finger on it.


It has been down all day. I only see "Freecanada.win" written at the top of the page, but there are no posts or anything.

Did PM Blackface send in the goons to take it offline for muh hate speech?

Or maybe they're doing maintenence?

I like keeping tabs on our Canada bros and hoping it'll be back up soon.


I'm working on a skit of sorts that mocks all the DIE nonsense that has exploded into the mainstream these past few years, and it just hit me that laziness will eventually be classified as a disease similar to what happened with addiction.

So when you ask why your lazy brother who sleeps until 4pm each day and doesn't work should have the same things that a 90hr per week truck driver has, they'll claim the "The Science" is clear. Your brother is a lazy piece of shit through no fault of his own. He was born with a disease and there's nothing he can do about it!

I know this isn't terribly interesting, and this is already sort of happening with disability cons, but does anyone have any other predictions for the crazy things we'll see from field of psychiatry in the coming years?


I used to frequent twoplustwo.com which is a poker forum with a bunch of sub-forums about all sorts of topics. Most sub-forums created an off-topic/random shit thread that was stickied at the top, and it proved very successful and generated many interesting discussions.

We have the same basic setup here and I think it's worth trying out. Sometimes we all have things we'd like to share or talk about but it isn't worthy of its own thread.



It's just as well. I don't post that much over there anymore and this gives me an excuse to leave for good.

Here's the comment that finally did me in:

For those who aren't aware, the reason he's allowed to compete against women now is because his testosterone levels are below the threshold required by the governing body of this sport.

What they probably don't tell you in the article is that the threshold is still much higher than 99.999% of female athletes. And not by a small amount either. It's way above the test levels of the overwhelming majority of female athletes.

It also ignores the other biological advantages that men have over women that will never go away.

This was in a thread about a male cyclist who will start competing against women.

I guess referring to him as "he" is what triggered the tranny admin who issued the ban. They're getting really serious about their delusions over there lol.

This follows a 7 day ban a month or two ago because of a similar comment.

Anyone else get banned recently?


I've worked here for 8 years and not once have I received a "Merry Christmas!" email. All company messaging around Christmas is watered down to "Happy Holidays" so as not to offend everyone.

I'm not a Christian fwiw but this pisses me off.

I quickly typed a response that said, "Thank you, and I look forward to receiving a Merry Christmas email later this year!", but at least for now I haven't sent it.

I'm just sick and fucking tired of everything Christian being erased from society, while non-Christian holidays are promoted and celebrated by name.

Send the email response or nah?


Head mod Ham Sandwich is banning anyone who criticizes how he applies the "no racism" rule.

About a week ago, Ham stickied a thread reminding users about the no racism rule. Everyone was like yeah no shit just do your job and remove any racist comments and leave the rest of us alone. The thread was a shit show as you'd expect and Hammy got his feelings hurt.

I received a permanent ban yesterday without any explanation. I called him a shit head (not directly, just in response to someone else saying he doesn't think Ham has bad intentions) because he took a few random racist comments and posted a screen shot of them next to a PPC logo on Twitter. He added the PPC logo himself to smear the growing political party. The racist comments were all one liners and half of them were probably posted by Ham on alt accounts. None of them had anything to do with the PPC or PPC supporters.

Purposefully smearing millions of people like that makes you a shit head and I said as much.

But since this is tangibly related to the "no racism" rule discussion, he went straight to a perma-ban.

I'm not even Canadian, but I migrated to Omega after the meta Canada subreddit closed by the same head mod who started OmegaCanada.

Here's a newly stickied thread, which he locked immediately after posting so nobody could respond, where he announces that he will ban you permanently if you criticize how he's going about all of this.


Anyone else receive a perma-ban over this issue?

Ham has been extra butthurt lately because he sees that his beloved CPC party is no different from PM Blackface's Liberal party, but he can't admit it out loud. He's mad that PPC support is growing and he's lashing out on various ways.