blackestknight 2 points ago +2 / -0

you do realize the right to try bill is part of a bigger movement that also pushed for off label use yes?

No, off label use has been legal for decades. It has nothing to do with "The Movement".

and the right to try bill was cited in a court case of a covid patient being legally allowed to take ivermectin as it was considered a fatal case.

You can cite it all you want, doesn't mean it was useful.

Ivermectin was already approved by the FDA for decades. Patient had a right to a script just through off label use.

You keep rushing to cry foul because a treatment didnt work as well as intended.

Dude, you're the one that came into our house (since you're a new account) and started bawling because we think the vaccine is shit, which it is. Don't go saying we're crying foul here.

blackestknight 3 points ago +3 / -0

dumb dumb

Facts are not dumb.

its still a higher efficacy than traditional coronavirus vaccines,

No it's not. It has at best 0 efficacy. At worst, negative efficacy.

It doesn't even qualify as a vaccine.

blackestknight 8 points ago +8 / -0

But that doesn't make OWS a success like OP is claiming.

It's still an abject failure, no matter who you want to blame for it.

And Trump does get some blame : He was blinded by his need for a "win" for his presidency so much that he went all in on it, ignoring the fact that it never had been done before and thus was far from a guaranteed success. Granting immunity to pharmas over a completely unproven product ?

blackestknight -4 points ago +2 / -6

it's pretty clear in the book they are 'huwite supremacists', they even have swastika and mentioned no jews.

So you're saying it's "woke" to oppose anti-semites waving around swastikas ?

Like say Ukraine's neo-nazis ?

I mean, it's pretty fucking American to hate actual nazis.

do you think the producers wouldn't use it to attack white conservatives in general

I don't get outraged about things that haven't even happened yet. Because then I would be a hypocrite if I laughed at leftists being outraged about things the Right haven't even done yet if I did.

after they called anyone right of Stalin nazis for the last 8 years?

Who's "They" and are "They" making Reacher ? Do you have any evidence of any of this beyond just mere speculation ?

blackestknight 3 points ago +3 / -0

If you chop off your hand, does it grow back ?

The body is quite incapable of self repair in quite a few scenarios.

blackestknight 7 points ago +7 / -0

Trump University is valid.

Please, that's just massive TDS. He used the word "University" for a training seminar, big whoop, who cares.

No, Operation Warp Speed being an abject failure is very valid criticism.

Other than that, the only valid criticisms come from the right.

That's the strange part. Before the election, Operation Warp Speed was dragged over the coals by all the media and Democrat candidates. When they won, they appropriated it for themselves.

blackestknight 5 points ago +5 / -0

you do know that peter mccullough was legally allowed to treat covid therapeutically because of the right to try movement correct?

That has nothing to do with Operation Warp Speed.

Like everyone is telling you, you're just moving around goalposts to claim success where no success was achieved.

Right to Try isn't Operation Warp Speed. Off label medication use isn't even new to "Right to try".

blackestknight -3 points ago +4 / -7

That's not what he said at all.

Book 2 isn't even about a white supremacist militia at all. It's about a secessionist Free Citizen militia.

Y'all getting baited into an outrage party over something you haven't even seen a preview for. Like a good bunch of lemming leftists listening to CNN telling them what to be outraged about.

blackestknight 4 points ago +4 / -0

The mRNA vaccine is the safest and highest efficacy coronavirus vaccine to date.

This is such a loaded statement.

First : "To date". You can't say "it's a success because it's the best we've gotten at this point!". The measure of success is if it's fit for purpose. Since it doesn't prevent infection, and at this point is shown to not even reduce severe outcomes like hospitalizations and deaths, it's just not a success.

Second : It's the first mRNA vaccine you dingus. Everyone gets a gold star when they're competing alone, no matter how bad they did. But even if this was your pee wee 100m dash, I think the vaccine would just get disqualified for not even making it to the finish line.

blackestknight 2 points ago +2 / -0

I like kia2 because people here seem to have a rational approach to the idiocy we see going on.

I mean, I agree with you, but at the same time, KiA2 is often filled with weird kneejerk outrage parties like we laugh at the left for having. "Oh no, black people on LotR! RAGE!". Like who cares, if it's shit, don't watch it.

This new account is weird and reeks, but no more than TheImpossible1 or acp_kwin2 or wtv his name is or the myriad of "It's (((THEY)))" people.

blackestknight 7 points ago +7 / -0

No one has ever made an effective coronavirus vaccine in human history

You just disproved your entire premise that OWS was a success then. Guess we're done. I notice though you wrote more. sigh.

Again youre running off the extraordinary demand that humans be god.

I made no such demand. Trump tried. From your own admission, it was never done before. Guess what : Trump didn't get it done either. He failed.

You're the only one here that seems to have this notion that Trump can't fail and thus you're lashing out at anyone saying he did, when the reality and facts are plain as day : he did fail.

Im not rewriting history you are,

"I know you are, but what am I" is really your hot take ?

Here, facts :


Operation Warp Speed (OWS) aims to begin delivery of 300 million doses of a safe, effective vaccine for COVID-19 by January 2021, as part of a broader strategy to accelerate the development, manufacturing, and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics (collectively known as countermeasures).

That's their goal. Not some BS about "Right to try". They are clear their goal was delivering an effective vaccine. They didn't. It doesn't work.

Thus they cannot have succeeded. You claiming their purpose was something else contradicts the available information. So you are in fact rewriting history. We have the documents to prove it.

blackestknight 4 points ago +4 / -0

yes a flamewar for factually reiterating that no one had a clue what was going on

What people knew at the time is irrelevant. You want to assign success today. Today we know that Operation Warp Speed didn't deliver. Thus by any objective metric, it has not achieved success.

And the opposite of success is failure.

And I'm not saying you're starting a flamewar by denying reality like some Trans guy hoped up on hormones, I'm saying you're starting a flamewar because you're going around insulting everyone and calling them leftists for simply accepting reality : This ain't no vaccine, OWS failed.

blackestknight 7 points ago +7 / -0

I need you tell me which country the neo-nazis are in.


blackestknight 1 point ago +2 / -1

Both cases : same treatment.

Hardly a good example of inequality.

Of course, not that you care, you probably throw chicken tendies at your mother when she walks into your room.

blackestknight 1 point ago +1 / -0

The vaccine already has a warning for myocarditis.

So they did the same thing, men or women here. From the first fucking sentence :

added a warning

So again, I'm asking who's "They" that do more things for women than men ?

blackestknight 8 points ago +10 / -2

You leftists bore me.

Dude, your account is new. For all we know, you're the leftist here just trying to troll and create a flamewar on the forum.

Why don't you go try Operation Warp Speed Apologia on patriots.win if you don't like the "circle jerk" here ?

blackestknight 1 point ago +1 / -0

Myocarditis is at 1 in 5,000 young men and they couldn't give a fuck.

Who's "they" ?

Moderna vaccine has been banned in under-18s and under-30s in many countries. So obviously not everyone is a "they".

blackestknight 10 points ago +10 / -0

that wasn't the purpose of warpspeed though,

That's hardly a valid defense. I wanted to assemble a ceiling fan, instructions unclear, got dick stuck in light bulb socket.

The initial purpose is irrelevant. It's the result that counts when assigning failure or success. To claim success because "hey, our purpose was good" is not the argument you think it is.

the purpose was again follow the principals of right to try.

No, now you're just rewriting history. The purpose of Operation Warp Speed was delivering a vaccine in record time by reducing the bureaucratic barriers.

It failed to deliver a vaccine. IE : it's an abject failure.

blackestknight 16 points ago +16 / -0

Operation Warpspeed was a massive success.

It produced what is essentially a placebo, with adverse effects.

Sure, it was a "massive success" at bypassing red tape, it just didn't produce anything worthwhile, meaning that now most people will point to it to justify the red tape.

So in essence, it's the opposite : it's an abject failure that resulted in right violations through vaccine passport and digital id implementation and produced no benefit to society because its product is both ineffective and unsafe and also set back the cause of bureaucratic reduction.

Look, this isn't a knock on Trump. He tried. The pharmas failed, yet again. They went for max profit and got signed off on immunity. Something he should have seen coming.

blackestknight -18 points ago +2 / -20

Wait, nazis are good now ? We're supposed to like them ?

Nothing wrong with a good neo-nazi beating, especially if they are committing crimes.

The book was written in 1998. It's not fucking woke.

blackestknight 5 points ago +5 / -0

I was a little sympathetic with his regime for imprisoning government officials, commandeering local media, and even enforcing conscription on Ukrainian men

But why ?

He's been a total jackass since day 1 to me. The only reason he has US backing is because there's a Biden money train in his backyard. No one else benefits from helping that shithole.

blackestknight 4 points ago +5 / -1

maybe im a Zelensky supporter, would i be a "stormfag" then?

No, but you'd be an idiot. I don't think arguing whether Zelensky is a Nazi or part of the Jews or part of any group at this point is worth it. He's human trash and his country is garbage.

blackestknight 0 points ago +1 / -1

Fuck, reading comprehension is not your strong-suit today, is it..??

Says the guy calling and I quote "To Ban Flights To Bali". For an epidemic IN Bali.

If you start banning flights, it's a lockdown. Look, the science ain't with you on this. Labour is correct in this instance, you're the over-zealous crazy.

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