barbarasbaldbarber 4 points ago +4 / -0

So seriously, do you think is DeSantis running for president for real? I know he went to Iowa today, but no official announcement yet?

I ask because I remember Clinton's pied piper strategy from 2016. DeSantis obviously wants to be President. But is this his year? I genuinely think the Democrats are relying on a idea where DeSantis wins the primary and Trump as a sore loser runs third party. Makes sense, and its all the media has talked about. Unless DeSantis doesn't actually run or drops out early.

I say all this because DeSantis is fucking scary. From the oppositions point of view. Despite all the media trying to call him some sort of Floridian Hitler, the man is sensible and can speak two sentences in a row (unlike current POTUS). This makes him an existential threat for progressives.

barbarasbaldbarber 9 points ago +9 / -0

What is ts shit? Nobody thinks banning kiddie drag shows will eliminate Shakespeare.

Unless I'm wrong. I shouldn't be wrong. There is nothing in these new laws that would suggest I'm wrong. The only conclusion is that people like OP want it to be true. Why? Because they view "the arts" as carte blanche for any behavior; in this case exposing children to drag (or burlesques or whatever they call strippers these days).

I love Shakespeare; these folks hate him. That is why they attach the idea of an actor wearing a mask to to a drag queen gyrating for children.

Edit: I kinda regret the previous line: "Nobody thinks banning kiddie drag shows will eliminate Shakespeare." Its the same thing progressives say, but I'm not lying.

barbarasbaldbarber 0 points ago +1 / -1

You know, I've come out on the wrong end of an argument or two (even today, on this shithole). But my brain is weary and I can't argue anymore tonight. I can still post my old questions that you still have not seen fit to answer:

What is a nationalist? How does it relate to whether or not women have penises?

At this point I'm amused that I'm taking time out of your day (or better providing responses for your payroll docket), but I am concerned that this amusement may be against the spirit of the rules around here.

barbarasbaldbarber 1 point ago +2 / -1

Sorry missed your post, see my other comment.

barbarasbaldbarber 3 points ago +3 / -0

On further reflection, I realized I've done a piss poor job of arguing my point. I don't agree with much of what you have put forth, but I'll take down my colors. Best to you.

barbarasbaldbarber 2 points ago +2 / -0

This idea has ceased. Because Cortez killed it. He did so by killing virtually everyone who espoused it.

You chose this context, and I reject it. Cortez killed the Aztecs, but did he kill the idea? Can you tell me the difference between an Aztec priest cutting out a heart for a good harvest and a Canadian MD asphyxiating a veteran for the benefit of the national healthcare system?

barbarasbaldbarber 0 points ago +1 / -1

Dude I asked you to provide an answer. We all know who says "goggle it."

Since I have nothing better to do, I'll provide my original questions again:

What is a nationalist? How does it relate to whether or not women have penises?

Nothing else in your previous comment (or any others) warrants a response.

barbarasbaldbarber 4 points ago +5 / -1

You see abortion as a tool to cull feral Democrats, I see abortion as a tool to turn people into feral Democrats.

Bugger this is good. I mean only towards the /pol/ types*, but still. Plus, his username (didn't check his posts, reddit thing to do).

*and those who pretend for various reasons...

barbarasbaldbarber 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ok. May I suggest you consider the idea of an idea.

Some cultures have supported the sacrifice of the weak for the benefit of the populous, others have rejected this concept.

An "idea" might, in this context, be the proposition that it is good to sacrifice the lives of some for the benefit of others. Others might propose this is unacceptable; as on the case of ant-abortion activists.

An "idea" is nothing more than a proposition. And propositions don't necessarily require human input. "Leafs are green" would be true if no human person had ever seen a leaf (don't get bogged down in the use of vocabulary in this case: leafs would have whatever you call color with or without anyone's observation)

barbarasbaldbarber 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't think classic philosophy will have a place on the curriculum

They have a place now; though you're right, they may yet be prohibited. This makes me think my initial post was a bit retarded.

Honestly, it feels weird advocating for "old" philosophical positions on KiA. That having been said, its one of the few places on the webs where even a couple of people might care. Why do I bring up Aristotle? Because everything we know today is based on the Humanist/Enlightenment philosophers. There were plenty of decent ideas to come out of these schools, but we also got "man is the measure of all things."

This is sounding like a reverse ferdorapost, but as a religious person I don't think fighting back leftists (or progressives/other dickheads), requires all the schmucks here to convert to my religion. If I had my druthers, the average man would become a Realist, double points if they read Aristotle, and jackpot for those who read Aquinas (though at this point you'd might as well become Catholic: Alistair McIntyre did it).

barbarasbaldbarber 4 points ago +4 / -0

Ah, take it easy; I was not sure your comment was in good faith.

The nuclear family is an idea currently being fought for, however successfully or unsuccessfully. The idea remains alive and important As for the Aztecs, our world is enjoying a revival of sacrificing the young and weak for the betterment of those walking about. I mean, really, Canadians are sacrificing trauma victims to their idea of Altruism.

I'm not trying to be silly here. Changes in culture and the outward effects of an idea can change, The idea remains.

barbarasbaldbarber 10 points ago +10 / -0

Unless you have a theocratic Christian country, you are not going to successfully ban abortion

Half a dozen states have done so. This is a matter of law not religion. The rest of your post reads like an activist trying to come across as a Libertarian. Its not 2005.

Some of us believe in moral standards, and no, morals are not relative. Anti-abortion folks do not argue about funding, we do not argue about insurance coverage for killing babies, we do not think we can entirely prevent the evil of voluntary abortion.

All that having been said, Mpetey123 is right: this post isn't even about abortion.

barbarasbaldbarber 5 points ago +5 / -0

Maybe, what good ideas lie in the graveyard of history?

barbarasbaldbarber 5 points ago +5 / -0

I feel you missed or ignored my lame attempt at sarcasm. That having been said, every righteous and evil tyrant in history has tried "to kill" ideas. None have succeeded. The rule of law, however, has had centuries of success. That is enough for the usual black block types.

barbarasbaldbarber 34 points ago +34 / -0

They are not stupid; they are incapable of being stupid. They have an inability to think outside what they have been told. The NPC meme is real. To a lot of people, anyone who opposes their teams ideology is stupid and evil. You could never convince them than porn for children is a bad idea in the real world if it was for the "right" reasons, yet if it is actually occurring, they will either deny the facts or claim that is a good thing.

Consider OP. It is literally an image of a NPC posting pornography for children, and it thinks it has the moral high ground. This is not stupid, its evil.

barbarasbaldbarber 34 points ago +34 / -0

Reddit trying to explain why FCC regulated stations cut the feed were a lot of fun. That having been said, it is usual for teachers in our society to give children "butt plug porn." Think on this.

barbarasbaldbarber 5 points ago +7 / -2

Nobody here expects a glow nigger to have moral standards. You don't need three sentences to drive home the point.

barbarasbaldbarber 13 points ago +13 / -0

There's something to be said for this. People like Fonda value themselves above all else, but they figure that if they have to die, they can be lionized in death for their (bad) ideas. They would never sacrifice themselves for another, but they'd love to be thought of as a maytr.

barbarasbaldbarber 20 points ago +20 / -0

Antifa is just an idea. The idea is that there should be no laws, that might makes right, that troons should have free access to children, that personal property is a crime, and that anyone to the right of Mao has no right to life.

It's just an idea.

barbarasbaldbarber 4 points ago +4 / -0

“I’m getting used to dealing with problems that are expensive, disruptive and white.”

Honestly, at this point I am assuming any non-White American is racist. This isn't really fair because I know people of color that aren't racist, but now I have to use phrases like "people of color." Until the average non-White schmuck makes a stink over these behaviors I'm assuming they're part of the machine. Isn't this the standard we judged whites by in the 60s/70s?

barbarasbaldbarber 26 points ago +26 / -0

Its not hypocrisy. The left is pushing at the boundaries of what any person can accept, so the next bits will require teaching others their ways of peace by force. Any progressive who says YOU shouldn't have a weapon never argues that NOBODY should have a weapon. They argue that only the State should have weapons, and they assume they will have control over that. They want guns, and they want them pointed at you.

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