adipemanatidaephobia 2 points ago +3 / -1

Says the country with the worlds largest army, which also happens to be a vassal state to israel, a country as small as Finland. 🤡 Honk Honk 🤡 Cucked america.

adipemanatidaephobia 8 points ago +8 / -0

Keeps drinking you under the table, vodka shot after vodka shot and will then drive you to the hospital, as if he was sober while you're so drunk you can't even stand up.

Eats a whole can of Surströmming without consequences and enjoys the taste of it.

Drives a pre -99 Volvo, or SAAB is he's "different".

Can be thrown in a hole in a frozen lake and still find a way back up to whack you when you least suspect it.

Follows the law on Jante and looks harmless, but could be Osama Bin Laden in disguise.

adipemanatidaephobia 7 points ago +8 / -1

The majority are from Finland, Norway and Denmark. Only 3% are Muslims and negroes, it doesn't take more than that to cause chaos in multiple neighborhoods.

Problem is racial quotas installed by the former leftist government, which bans certain businesses from hiring "too many white people" based on racial quotas. A completely retarded law which the new government will remove.

There's no lack of local competence for any job, it's all the government's fault for putting up limitations and making work less attractive by installing free gibs which sometimes even pays more than actual work minus taxation.

adipemanatidaephobia 5 points ago +7 / -2

They don't know much about any place outside America do they? I don't expect much change in Sweden, probably gonna take forever before a government is even established because of the sandbox mentality among the established parties.

adipemanatidaephobia 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hence the term: vote cattle. Locals know this, but immigrants don't care if they're depending on the government. When shit hits the fan they just fly home to their shithole country.

adipemanatidaephobia 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was thinking Ryanair, Norwegian or the other low price flights, anywhere in Europe is typically €20. That's cheap, the train would cost up to €200 and take much longer time.

adipemanatidaephobia 4 points ago +4 / -0

Bureaucracy aside, leftist policy is why they show up in the first place. It's the weather that keeps them away. Negroids needs a lot of sun and Sweden ain't gonna do it during half the year when the sun goes up at 10am and just barely over the horizon, then down at 2pm. Even the whitest of the white people get depressed and goes insane from that, imagine what it does to a negroid.

adipemanatidaephobia 11 points ago +11 / -0

Problem is that everyone ignores the Geneva convention which clearly states you can only flee to the first safe country, which would usually be a neighboring country. Going beyond that is welfare tourism.

Airports are pretty good at keeping illegals away, but they still find ways to get in.

adipemanatidaephobia 9 points ago +9 / -0

Flying these days is incredibly cheap. But still, the amount received in free gibs is ridiculously high, even higher than taking a low wage job.

adipemanatidaephobia 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yep, the number of Muslims in Sweden is far overestimated. 1/3 of the Muslims voted N, still didn't take them above the 4% limit.

adipemanatidaephobia 9 points ago +9 / -0

The new Muslim party got 28% of the votes in Malmö.