VenkaPrime 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is so mild compared to 2020 that I think this is the era where the boa constrictor doesn't constrict, it just waits until you exhale to do another phase. Like there's zero people putting up statues of Robert E. Lee, but they aren't tearing any new ones down. For the right, this is meant to numb them so that they lose harder the next push, for the left this is meant to wind them up so that they push even harder the next time it's time to destroy everything.

Also that Francis Scott Key bridge that just fell, think that's gonna keep its name?

Anyway, it's clearly anti-white, but it's just so mild compared to the absolute toxin of a couple of years ago, and the people complaining aren't being banned on twitter like they would have been back then.

VenkaPrime 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not to the same degree. One, there's less to netflixify in the first place, two they generally are less willing to shit on Asians, three despite the third book being crap the series as a whole is well respected and they might want to make money here.
Basically their prime directive may be suspended for this particular show. We'll see I guess.

VenkaPrime 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is there a plan for a clean URL later?

VenkaPrime 11 points ago +11 / -0

The first book is reasonably hard science fiction and involves some characters that were around during the Chinese cultural revolution, so it spans a large amount of time in the real world, and makes some political statements (though not really serious ones). It being popular probably got CCP attention very lightly.
It can be reasonably adapted to a movie- the pacing would have to be increased, but the overall plot is very mysterious and can be told in 2 hours with several scenes not relevant to the main plot left out.

There's no reason to assume they'll do anything to the first book except their normal diversity screed. Because the book is centered in China, they will not be able to indulge their anti-white animosity much, because there are not many whites in the first place.

The second book is similarly hard science fiction, but only from the perspective of humanity- it makes a very real attempt to answer the Fermi paradox, and smooths over the fact that elements of the first book contradict what the author is doing. Politics - and criticism thereof- are not very much in this book. I think this book is by far the best in the series. There's a reason the books are sometimes called "The Dark Forest trilogy".

The third book is dogshit. It follows around a terrible character, totally throws away the hard-science-for-humanity that made the first two books grounded and compelling, totally disposes of several core elements that made the second book so good, and ends with the most hamfisted environmental theme, it's so bad as to be unbelievable, and it makes me wonder if the author got some visit from a party official or something.

VenkaPrime 3 points ago +3 / -0

Obviously a hate campaign is based on hate facts. A hate fact is any fact inconvenient to the narrative.