TheImpossible1 1 point ago +7 / -6

Archive Link

A letter to the Attorney General of California and urging by her allies within Meta Platforms have got her Facebook account returned to her, after she was banned for inciting hatred.

The Attorney General...so legal means are not going to shut this shit down. We can categorically rule out trying to take her and her allies on for libel. It will not work.

As I said about feminist infiltrators in every field, they will band together to protect their cult, as we can see with her allies in Meta Platforms pushing for her to be re-instated.

This platform she's building needs to be focused on, we need to stay ahead of the enemy. I have an idea but I need to avoid her or her allies hearing it.

TheImpossible1 -5 points ago +2 / -7

On mobile, it's clearly visible. A great help.

Anyway, go be a paid shill for women elsewhere.

TheImpossible1 -16 points ago +3 / -19

derail threads

You mean when people lie or post propaganda, I challenge it?

Yeah, maybe try not lying or posting propaganda.

TheImpossible1 -8 points ago +2 / -10

It's better to make a few porn stars rich than thousands of women getting rich through divorce.

Also, they don't really care about women exploiting men. That's their whole ideology. Tradfaggotry is the original exploitation of men, where we had to die for our worse halves and marriage was practically mandatory.

TheImpossible1 -7 points ago +1 / -8

What a clown thread this is. You're all just confessing your fetishes.

TheImpossible1 -10 points ago +2 / -12

Pay your own fucking student loans. Get your own fucking jobs without big banks being forced to help you. Stop cheating little boys out of achieving their potential because you can't compete.

Don't fucking gaslight me, you pathetic troll.

Edit :

I am able to control for race

The resident feminist didn't even read the post.

TheImpossible1 -6 points ago +1 / -7

This isn't about race. Look at his other initiatives. Student debt forgiveness, women hold a huge amount of that debt, practically colonizing higher education. Funding ESG, all those funds push for hiring more women.

Biden even cheered his "achievement" on female unemployment recently.

TheImpossible1 -13 points ago +4 / -17

What infighting? Who actually likes them other than their users? They brigade TD, they brigade here, they brigade everywhere that doesn't instantly ban them all.

We don't need a tradfaggot Nazism community here.

Go. Back. To. Gab. And. Stay. There.

TheImpossible1 -7 points ago +5 / -12

Unless you pick a fight, start a war and conscript them to die on the battlefield,

Ukraine and Taiwan. Women have that covered.

Draft women.

TheImpossible1 -3 points ago +3 / -6

No, the law intends to yet again restrict competition to make marriage look better. Tradcucks and women have absolutely no shame in rigging things like this.

While women are stealing jobs, pushing their shit credit scores and piles of student debt on the rest of society, at least the GOP is focusing on the real issues! /s

TheImpossible1 -7 points ago +2 / -9

Nobody wants porn bans. Nobody wants women's sports to be protected.

People want the oppressor class to be kicked off their pedestal, or you'll lose again.

TheImpossible1 -12 points ago +4 / -16

If he wasn't pro free-speech, ConPro would be gone by now.

Also, when you block someone, they shouldn't be able to see your posts. It would get rid of so many of the worthless ConPro trash here who only exist to brigade.

Finally, if C is willing to act, ConPro should get the bullet before anyone. They're a malignant tumor on this website who are dragging President Trump's image down with them.

TheImpossible1 -6 points ago +7 / -13

this was shown on ITV

Who runs ITV, I wonder. #MoreFeminineWay

Edit : I should have pretended it was Jews. People don't like the truth.

TheImpossible1 -9 points ago +4 / -13

Nobody wants to be in your tradfaggot database that you'll leak to your feminist allies to try and shame people into buying into your marriage and relationships slavery.

You did more to ruin young men's development than porn ever could, tradcuck.

TheImpossible1 -4 points ago +4 / -8

The other ultimate consequence of age verification will be the database and protocols of verification being hacked by "ethical hackers" and leaked as a "perverts database".

By ethical hackers, he means the government will leak it because you aren't respecting women enough.

I don't know who are the most worthless bastards on this earth, tradcucks or male feminists. At least the latter can claim brainwashing.

All this to stop the market for women correcting because everyone's scared of "muh birth rates". All markets need correcting. If only it was possible to short women's value. I'd be the next Michael Burry.

TheImpossible1 -9 points ago +4 / -13

How many lives has your marriage cult ruined now? How many women gained wealth they never deserved? How much money did the church make from our slavery?

I'm not addicted, I don't even use it. I just know that marriage shilling tradfaggots don't care about the lives they ruin.

TheImpossible1 -8 points ago +3 / -11

They've allowed videos on human trafficking and minors. The victims have tried to get the videos taken down and pornhub denied their requests.

Because the "victims" are lying. Exodus Cry belong in hell next to MasterCard.

TheImpossible1 -13 points ago +1 / -14

Torba is truly the most retarded tradfaggot. I wish him nothing but the worst luck with all of his awful ideas.

TheImpossible1 -10 points ago +1 / -11

We all saw how well local banks are doing lately...

And no, you don't say banks. You say the entire system. You say you want to ban "usury".

So, let's hear it. Your perfect financial plan that doesn't charge interest.

I already know what it is, I had a comment about it before, calling it the most feminized idea I've ever heard.

If interest can't be charged to mitigate the risk, it becomes a popularity contest.

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