Telia 0 points ago +1 / -1

his video got taken down for a day for "hate". Then it went back up. And now its private....its obvious he's getting shit from youtube just for even this mild video.

Telia 0 points ago +1 / -1

You can see the comment section. Most of it is dropping redpills on the JQ and supporting Kanye (mentioning that Kanye getting cancelled just proves Kanye right) and praising Techlead . His audience knows him .

Telia 1 point ago +2 / -1

He did mention jews. he also straight up said that social justice aka wokesm is a jewish concept and the west is following jewish values as a result of jews winning ww2.

And yeah im pretty sure its to avoid censors. As it is the video he posted is threading on thin ice just by showing that info graphic with all the jews in power and he posted this on a side channel and not his main one showing he is wary about it been taken down.

Techlead is not a politically correct guy at all (very much the opposite) and he's also very smart, and im like 80% certain he browses /pol/ on 4chan.

Telia 0 points ago +1 / -1

Did you watch the whole video or just half way?

Telia 0 points ago +1 / -1

Btw did you watch to the end of the video or only watched half way?

Telia 2 points ago +3 / -1

I wrote a comment complaining to him on the video when i only watched mid way , but i retracted the comment when i watched the whole thing

Later on in the video he says "history is written by the victors and in our version of history the jews won ."

Telia 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yeah watch the whole thing. I'd understand why you'd jump to conclusions if you only watched half way.

Telia 0 points ago +1 / -1

Did you watch to the end of the video or just to mid way?

Telia 1 point ago +2 / -1

Is there any chance that he's just doing this to try to keep the video up on youtube instead of it being taken down. ? he's like "this is not true but let me go in to depth about it anyways". He might be a /pol/ user actually.

The only issue i have is him saying that "its a religious group" its not just that its a race and they are very nepotisic. And he said hitler said the protocols were fake, this is wrong also , hitler didnt say they were fake he said, if the biggest news outlet said its fake then its probably true

Telia 1 point ago +2 / -1

You've admitted you dont watch anime then maybe you shouldnt just dismiss it as "just cartoons" . There are many animes that are absolutely not for children and have stories and themes only adults can understand and with animation because its drawn you can more freely convey and create scenes than normal movies, that is more limited.

Also Walsh is an establishment shill and a zionist that tells people they are "wicked" for noticing jewish power

Telia 0 points ago +1 / -1

This is a schizophrenic retarded take.

Telia 1 point ago +2 / -1

Do you prefer stories where the heroes are perpetually the "rebel group" against the "oppressor empire" like in western shows? Even when it didnt make sense like the star wars sequels? like how SJWs see themselves as?.

"Expose" and dismantle the system can easily also be seen as a Marxist thing as well. Marxists like to "expose" all the "faults" of society to create some revolution to take over.

Telia 0 points ago +3 / -3

Jordan Peterson used to work for the United Nations . Anyone working at the Daily Wire is an establishment shill .

Telia 1 point ago +3 / -2

Writing off an entire medium because its foreign and you dont get it, is retarded its back to the whole "pokemon is satanic' BS.

Telia 3 points ago +4 / -1

i think we should write our complaints to them as well. As it is, most of what they are hearing from the West is from the trash woke localizers and from the very loud sjws. We need to make them aware of our existence(we who are against the woke shit) at least. And i do think social pressure does have some influence. it doesnt matter if its "naive or not" Speaking out , cannot make anything worse or might make something better (At any rate it cannot make anything worse). Not saying anything however either does nothing or things go worse faster without pushback. At any rate we need pushbacks regardless of the outcomes. .Staying silent so no one knows we exist doesnt help anyone

Telia 0 points ago +1 / -1

Well I haven't seen female characters this ugly in Japanese media before. (unless it was an intentionally ugly character and not one that's meant to be taken seriously and meant to be laughed at ) So even if you do have examples it's so few that I haven't heard of it so it doesn't matter.

Telia 1 point ago +2 / -1

look if you dont want to send a message thats fine but why are you trying so hard to insist other people dont send a message and put pressure on them?

Telia 0 points ago +1 / -1

Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning? or are you a leftist shill?

Telia 0 points ago +1 / -1

Japanese media have NEVER made such an ugly female design in the past.. They always liked making good looking female characters. its clearly for woke reasons Japanese fans have been saying this as well. .

Telia 43 points ago +46 / -3

Kanye says some "antisemitic" comments. Banks closes his accounts


Telia 0 points ago +2 / -2

You underestimate what social pressure can do. But like i said, if you think it doesnt do anything you can just ignore this post, instead of trying to discourage others

Telia 1 point ago +2 / -1

I dont think it doesnt do anything. Im saying even if you think it doesnt do anything its still a good idea to let them know anyways. There's a difference.

I only really said that because i knew someone was going to come in and say "it wont do anything"

honestly its strange to me that people want to complain about shit companies do in this echo chamber which no one else will hear, but when i suggest complaining to the companies directly which might actually make some change ,suddenly i get this push back that we shouldnt do that for whatever reason .

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