What's the point of telling you anything if i know you wont change your mind either way? "The authorities didnt approve of it" so why is it they didnt get rid of it but the nazis could get rid of the problem? . They were controlled opposition
Whether they promote or are against hijab depends on whether or not doing so would disrupt the main culture of whatever country they're in . Globohomo is all about causing chaos and taking down the main traditional culture of whatever country they are in to assimilate it in to globohomo
The leader of the Iranian protests is Masih Alinejad who lives in NYC and is a US government employee that regularly meets with neocons.
Btw notice the raised fist. The fist that's used for pretty much every globohomo protest.
they were having mother and child daughter prostitutes on the street the degeneracy was hardly "exaggerated" and there were gay and lesbian organizations and bars and the first transgender institution. .and Luigi Barzini's social memoir even talks about beastiality with a dead goose happening. And the inflation was so high that even barrels of money notes were practically worthless.And there were communist marches everywhere and of course Antifa
And what do you mean "what capital city doesnt have that?" dont act like its normal just cause it's a capital city. Nazis put a stop to all of it.
there's a woman whose daughter was going in this bad direction so she cut her daughter off from almost all social media . censored key words, and monitored her friend group. Her daughter ended up recovering and is no longer in the cult .Also i'll add , pay attention to the schools your daughter goes to and her teachers and what she's been taught as well.
obviously real science wouldnt say that but its an idea among leftists that modern science (pseudo science) says there's 6 genders. https://answersingenesis.org/family/gender/modern-science-says-there-are-six-sexes/
Also did you watch the tiktok video ? it clearly lists trannies as 2 of the genders there.
Leftism was invented by Marx and the Frankfurt school which were both Jewish. and many of the leading activists and journalists and media owners are Jewish. Adl sure doesn't hate Israel but does hate White People. The hill is leftist and they just fired someone for crisizing Israel's apartheid. Biden's whole family are married to jews and he's a self proclaimed Zionist. Karmala is married to a Jew and Nancy Pelosi's children are married to jews. Blackrock who is behind ESG has a Jewish CEO. And then there's Rothschild and the Federal Reserve and the United Nations wants to stop conspiracy theories about Israel.
But I know where your loyalties lie you will never admit it. You literally flaired yourself as "Secret Jewish Subverter" on reddit after all.
The same OP twitter account said they were able to release games like Elves Fantasy Hentai puzzle and other such games uncensored on the Nintendo Switch without any problem before. They themselves said this rule is new.
Have you guys ever heard of golems? they're jewish mythological creatures, basically, the story goes that the rabbi casts spells to turn the golem to life and to serve them, but later on , the golem ends up going out of control and turning against the rabbi.
Food for thought.
Imagine trying to defend judaism aka the religion that thinks that goys are beasts. Also isnt it funny how so called "modern science" apparently recognises 6 genders as well? i wonder what's going on there. such a coincidence.
There's 6 genders in the talmud. https://www.tiktok.com/@sj_rachel/video/6970746393103224069?is_from_webapp=v1&item_id=6970746393103224069
to be fair i dont really like this new technology either. I appreciate good artists , and good artists are not usually leftoids(or at least they are less likely to be extremists) because they put in work. This technology is just going to discourage people from becoming good artists.