oh noooo American young people are going against israel . We need to target American gen Z for reprograming to make them love israel, QUICK.
Im not going to be surprised if israeI causes a terrorist attack in America or the West and tries to blame it on the muslims again. Like the Lavon Affair for example
You are showing your true colors , shill.
Why are you against White people wanting a homeland and wanting to only live with White people? Why do you want to force White people to live with non White people?
Everyone is allowed to want to live with White people, except White people themselves
Also Tommy Robinson isnt a White nationalist
Why are jews always at war with someone or another? Last century they were at war with Germans and now they are at war with Arabs . Why did so many countries expel jews? I guess jews did nothing wrong but everyone else is wrong.
Its weird that there was so many national socialist popes before national socialism was even invented https://files.catbox.moe/dyog44.jpg
you're not answering because you know what the answer is. Europe has long hated jews before national socialism was even invented .. What "stormfaggots" say about jews today is nothing in comparison to what some Medieval era Kings and Queens and Christian popes used to say about jews.
I didnt say that anyone who disagrees with me is pro israel I said people who use the word "stormfag" are all pro israeI. Its also used by people who want to call others "nazi" but also dont want to come off as sounding like a leftist so they say "stormfag" instead. .
I dont do that, you guys do though https://archive.is/kkn6J
Just because people agree with me doesnt mean there is a bot farm. . You know what bot farm actually does exist though? Pro israel bot farms and JIDF bot farms https://archive.is/xYfJL
"""if you say stuff against jews or israeI then you must have a connection to israeI because speaking uncomfortable negative truths about jews or israel must mean that you are secretly a jewish person trying to get victimhood points for israeI"""
The absolute pilpul
"We even have a photo that these stormfags masturbated to of a burnt baby beyond recognition."
More zionist atrocity propaganda. You cant even try to make it sound believable. .You really cant help yourselves can you? Lying is in your nature.
We "stormfags" didnt add some arbitrary number, it was zionists that did. The 40 dead babies thing was from you zionists
But nice try JIDF
Jews on the left try to tell the left wingers "its not jews that are the problem, its the zionists that are the problem, and those are not real jews because Judaism is not zionism" (i've been getting recommended shitty propaganda videos about "the good jew that is against zionism" on youtube lately)
Jews on the right try to tell right wingers "its not jews that are the problem its the atheist jews that are the problem and those are not real jews"
this is how they try to play both sides i can only count in one hand the number of actually respectable ones that fully expose their games and their manipulative lies and are against it . Like Bobby Fisher
At some point all their lies are going to come back and bite them